
Jagged like the knife, you pierce and stab into my heart!
sharp, like the roses thorns, you prick me, and cause me pain.
Walking, on broken glass, the shards dig and gouge into my feet...
red crimson life, leaves the bare pads of my feet, leaving a bloodied trail, where ever I walk.
I am forsaken, and Unforgiven.
The light extinguished..
his so called "kind words" are painful..
they hurt like an arrow piercing my heart..
bloodshed and tears can be seen pouring..
from my eyes.. and wounded soul..
my faith destroyed
no longer strong
able to believe no more
Only lies can be seen, felt, and heard
as they crawl over and under my skin..
the purveyor of truth..
is now the provider of lies and misfortune..
his inncence stolen..
by unkind and cruel deeds..
A weapon of mass destruction..
no love no emotion can be found..
where is my shining light..
where is the dawn, to end the night..
it has been extinsuished bye..
an army of evil..
an army of one
he is the creator of torment..
of evil...
of sin
his pureness washed away..
and his true self revealed for what it really is..
to what his reality has become..
a two faced liar..
a back stabbing snake!
words that once gave pleasure..
now give anguish
words that once brang smiles,
now bring tears
the words that filled me with happiness..
now crush, crumble and destroy
my withered and dilipated soul..
drained of all creativity..
you have kidnapped my imagination and desire.
and palced it in a jar..
capped it..
then threw it away..
you took what goodness I had left..
and you mutiliated it..
I am whole no more..
a gapping hole..
now lays in my heart..
a hole that can never be filled..
nor healed..
a hurt look, is seen in my eyes
in my face..
even in my walk
you can hear the hurt..
dripping like sarcasm from my voice.. lips..
no more tears reamin...
-J Elf. AKA GMN 2001-

Back Into the Cantina

<BGSOUND SRC="https://www.angelfire.com/nj/GinaLadyHawke/images/sting.mid" LOOP="-1">

All work on this page is the personal and private property of Gina M. Nigro and IS NOT permitted to be used, copied reprinted or otherwise without her express written permission. All works are her property and displayed for her self enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of others.

Email: lyricaldragon@bigfoot.com