
Silken sheets folded down on the bed..
rose petals adorn the floor, dresser, sheets, pillows..
incandescent radiance, angelic beauty.
Firelight embrace, dancing flicking embers and shadows..
Leading inwards, open windows, blowing glimmering see through curtain, leading...
leading.. outwards, candlelight terrace... she sits, elegance personified..
violins, sound soft, like crickets, on a summer night.. playing their song..
Beauty standing,.. over looking the sparkling lake.. waters spilling freely... waterfall
Velvet, cushioning.. hunger filled embrace.. deep passion, kissing tenderly.
Radiance, soft warm glow, hands wrapping, enveloping, caressing lovingly.. forever together
leading inwards, moonlight, candlelight, aromatic fragrance, filling the room.. delicate maneauver.
Tenderness, found in the kiss, lain back, slowly stripped, warm flesh under a mask of cotton and cloth..
petals, clinging to a sweat soaked body, dry sweat, nervousness building.. eyes close
eyes close, love enveloping, replacing fear.. and betraying feelings.. trust given
Windswept chimes.....
fall from grace....
devilish pleasures.. petal covered bed...
Innocence lain before thee...
hands slide up, caressing alabaster thighs
gentle quivering flesh, first time...
you whisper, soft words, mooring of love
dripping oh honey, sugar and promises..
you lay there with her.. caressing..
and a deep consumation of love...
which only words of loves.. can explain..
becomes one... forever entwined in love
-J. Elf AKA Gina N. 1999®-

Back Into the Cantina

<BGSOUND SRC="https://www.angelfire.com/nj/GinaLadyHawke/smcannon.mid" LOOP="-1">

All work on this page is the personal and private property of Gina M. Nigro and IS NOT permitted to be used, copied reprinted or otherwise without her express written permission. All works are her property and displayed for her self enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of others.

Email: ginaladyhawke@comcast.net