~*The Breaking of a Heart*~

Devestation.. The Breaking of a Heart..

Eversolong did the young womans heart beat for him, from afar, and by that same token upclose. Blinded by so many things in her busy life, she feared not being good enough, so her words remained silent, spoken only in the hollows of her mind, and depths of her very soul. She worked in the Courte, decreeing over matters of affaire, and state. Often neglected by friends, and forgotten on days that were most important to her, but then those who are important are often thought not to need care or attention, as they have the following of so many. But is the following of many, the needs words, "Thank You", or "I apprecaite it?".... Or even.. the most important words ever spoken.. "I Love You?.."

She had known him for a good year and a half.. remembering the day he first traversed to her land, exploring, and she was blinded then by many things, things instilled into her by another, her mentor. "Do what is right for the mass, not for yourself" , untruer words were never spoken to her. So with a sad heart, one slowly shattering from the grief even then, she watched the man, so strong, and kind at the same time exit her life. Little did she know some months later, at the 'guild' would he walk back into her life.

She was their champion, their leader.. the one expected to be strong, how hard it was for her, not to simply lay down and cry, to be the fragile person inside she longed to be at times. To be the one comforted, and not doing the comforting, the one consolded and taken care of, instead of the one doing all for many. She welcomed him into the guild, wide-armed, and he was a loyal member, his presence in the forgotten guild today, still stands a true question.. as he would defend those within, but argue as well. none will truly ever know if he was or was not.. or is or is not..

Her home was destroyed.. and yet her need of help went unheeded, by friend and guild alike.. her heart breaking even more, as she once more tried salvaging what alone kept her human. Only two, dared offer her salvation, and a place of haven till she could have her own rebuilt. The Angel, the one of eyes the colour of clouds, and words as soft as morning whispers, sneaking over the horizon.. The one who soars in the skies, and likes small annoying cats who claw everything in sight, a man of kindness.. and One of youth, an apprentice to a great man, A Thinker. and wielder of magic, as well as words, a man of coldness and confusion.. thinking of both.. the youth was more convicing, and so truding through the snow, the bloodshed and ice.. she went with him.. She did feel apprehensive at who the temple keeper was so to speak, but had little choice... after seeing so much destruction, it was decided she needed a rest.

The boy, lead her to a great temple, in a place of frigid wonder, is looked so abbandoned, and as tired as they both were.. when she was led inside.. and seeing those irridescent glowing red eyes, almost made her fill with fright, the only thing stopping her, was the urge to protect the boy, as he was lashed at for bringing her here. She was given room, a place to stay in, to heal.. and in the end that to would be painful, as the High Priest, cursed her, making it impossible for her to leave, and when the attack came from both, the dark man, the Smoke and Silver man, and his friend, she was indeed trapped. The one intent on enslaving her,. the other on killing her.. the fight ensued, she dodging as much as she could...

Bloodshed.. it happened, with a hard blow to her face, and as the high priest opened a secret panel, both she and her assaliant were trapped, the assaliant being set free, as days of torture in the small, dark, cold room were to come fourth.. Her tiny cries her only comfort, as she grew ill within the decaying walls, caked in filth, and god knows what else being inside.. her friend came back.. but she feared him now.. as he called her oh so many names.. insulting her.. being glad she was trapped, he slammed and locked her in.. and she fell into a comatose state for another day or so, growing hungry and cold.. her eyes a faint golden at times, do to her cat, were now icy grey, the power of such blocked down there.. days later, the boy returned, terriffied to see her incarserated there.. she was scared to move, yet in moments they pieced together what had happened.. and she was freed, ever so glad to be as well.

The boy and his mentor worked hard on finding a way to free her, but remember, a temple isn't a tavern.. and as the boy and mentor weren't there often, in time she grew thin, and hungry.. collapsing in the corner, as she shook and shivered, growing fearful of everything, even her own mind turning on her, after a near 2 months of this incarseration.. Once more.. only two people cared of her well being.. the Angel with eyes the colour of clouds.. and the one once from afar she loved.. both coming to see her.. and giving her bread.. and apples, which she never was able to keep down.. when seen with the bread she was like a scavenger, frightened it would be taken from her.

The man of the dark, now one of the light, came to see her, one she had granted haven to in her lands, and once more the rare kindness from him, helped her survive, until he helped her to envetually become free. The one she truly loved, and cared for, being to busy to stay to help her, or care, at least in her eyes, so even further her heart shattered, once more falling into a failing realtionship of sorts. Eventually she got free, and the dark man and she tried to make life work within the walls of her home, but in time it wasn't to be and he left her, leaving the cries of three behind as he left. Though love wasn't meant to be, three wonderous things came of it.. three more things to daily break her heart, reminding her what a failure she is.

Once more, back on her feet, she went to visit, the one she loved so deep within, her friend. And once more, on his arm was a pretty lady.. and so the broken one, would watch from the shadows.. smiling.. She came and gave him rare seeds, to plant flowers.. knowing that his lady friedn enjoyed such. A gift of true unselfishness.. not the words that often traveled the lands.. and even when the lady left him.. for whatever reason, she returned to consol, and comfort.. her cat, the annoying feline, making artwork of his walls, and despite his aggravation, she would swear she saw amusement in his eyes, at such innocence.

Days, turned into weeks, and weeks into months, The day came, he came to see her. Or was it she came to see him.. who truly knows, as the scene of the lighthouse provided gentle backdrop to the night, in her cloaked form, weak and weary, ailing from something no one could begin to comprehend.. she went to him, simply needing a friend, and as she removed her cloak he seemed entranced by the soft beauty of her before him. He took her hand, and spoke.. after so long, admitting the words that were deep in his heart.. She was elated! Tears streaking her face, as she bared her soul to him, her heart.. showing her love for him was ever so real. The subtle gifts she had always given him, the cloak she once made, the seeds, the flowers.. things all done by her, finally in her eyes made sense at least.. and so with him she did stay for some time.

Love, in her heart, was beginning to repair itself, despite the illness she was finding happiness. Yet he seemed ashamed of her in her eyes, even going for a simple walk, o to the tavern for a drink, was a near argument.. and the one night they actually went.. he hurt her. She was insulted, and he refused to defend her.. the man, a brother by the guild, sat and let his friend, his love be beratted.. and whern the fight ensued, instead of attacking the other, he fought her, delivering a sharp kick to her head, which readily collapsed her. She could never raise arms agasint him, she loved him.. the visions of the shadows, this other woman, the loose woman, camne once more, every time she was with him she was there.. and the day in front of the lighthouse, she will never forget.. days later..

She claimed she came back for him, she loved him, and bore his child.. in which, the unspeakable was done, he denied his love for the one he had hurt, the one he claimed to love with all his heart.. and let her sink to the ground, the illness fast growing to much for her as she shived, and shook.. once more she had lost, unable to fight, do to her morals.. all she had done to show love, subtle love, worthless, and cast out.. as she laid there crying, not even worthy of moments to be taken to a healer.. her friend, a vampire had come by in the night to take her to one.. simply to keep her alive... in her eyes, she was dead...

Daily now she sits, she cries, she drinks, simply wanting one thing.. love.. his love.. and like a dog she sits, waiting once more, for him to be left, and abbandoned, to be called upon to comfort and consol, to perhaps be called back into his graces.. to be worthy of a momentary smile.. and his shining light.. things she knows never will happen.. even now she wonders should she have been more amorous with her love, and affections.. or was her subtle elegance proper and right.. and she just herself being unworthy of love...

Her former guardsman returned, trying to enlighten her heart, but even as he spoke words of marriage, she had to refuse the blonde haired elf, her heart wasn't his, though once it might have been, her heart belonged to the keeper of the lighthouse.. a fellow guildsman.. a man whom didn't want her in his life..

Even now, if one walks past the tavern, and peek inside, a picture of the lighthouse, with him in front can be seen over the hearth.. with the wolf and cat next to him, the closest the broken hearted can get to him.. tears oft times streaking her face, as she whispers, only soft enough for herself to hear.. "I love you Senathon.. always.. even if ye nae love me."

-J. Elf AKA GMN 2001-

Back Into the Cantina

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All work on this page is the personal and private property of Gina M. Nigro and IS NOT permitted to be used, copied reprinted or otherwise without her express written permission. All works are her property and displayed for her self enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of others.

Email: ginaladyhawke@comcast.net