Mystical Enchantment

The waning moon soon came into view from out behind the gray mist clouds. The woods seem abuzz with life. The wind blowing over the tops of the trees just enough to make a light rustling noise. The girl dressed in a pair of form fitting leather pants, and knee high leather boots starts to walk away, puling a silver cloak over her laced up the front white shirt and her long purple hair that looks softer then silk. The girl walks forward looking only over her shoulder once, a devilish twinkle can be seen in her eye.

Towards the woods she walks, ever so slowly. So deliberately. Each footstep forward having meaning, having purpose. The soft night breeze blowing forwards, as if daring to blow the hood of her cloak off. The man she was with looking after her as she walks captivated by her beauty. Both inner and outer. She continues to walk forwards, the animals of her village can be heard in the night air.

SKREEEE, the tarak falcon flies over heard looking for his nightly meal, as the silver rage wolf leaps from tree to tree, stalking some injured prey. Still the girl, the leader of her people, moves forward. Her silent footsteps leave not a trace as she makes her way to the opening of the woods. She enters the woods, walking forward her staff of pure fire-gems in her left hand, helping to steady her steps.

The woods, so dark, yet the moonlight was cascading down through the trees, laving broken moonbeam images on the dirt floor of the woods. The girl making her way through the dark forest, with only the partial light of the waning moon to guide her. She carefully makes her way through stepping over fallen trees, and foxholes, being sure not to fall and hurt her delicate self. Using her staff as a walking stick, helping to move forward through the dark forest. The darkness seems to come instantly alive. Many different sounds and noises can be heard. Anyone or thing could be in the woods.

She walks a mite faster through the woods, looking back over her shoulder only once, to see if her friend had followed her. Almost hoping that he had. She loves him greatly. The end of the dark forest is in sight. She is almost through the passage of woods. She moves aside the brush and final bushes in her path and steps into a clearing. A beautiful castle can be seen. The castle seems to be made of pure light. The reddish orange gemstones, encasing the light of pure fire. The turrets waving loosely in the night wind seem to be made of emeralds and rubies. The river can be heard if one listens carefully, as it passes over the smooth stones within it.

Walking through the dewy night grass, the soft blades of grass folding under her leather boots, she looks up into the sky the waning moon, playing hide and seeks in the gray mist clouds. She walks towards the castle, her steed, a white sha-yjin, and gallops over to her. It's raven black mane fluttering to his side. "Silverstar, good boy." The girl says softly, as she strokes his face gently, leading him towards the castle. Walking forwards, feeling the cool breeze, she looks up into the sky, watching as the moon now is completely hidden by the clouds.

The man who was with the Woman bows to where he last saw her whispering "Be safe My Queen. Might this night you realize your happiness." Then with careful movements he mounts his Charcoal steed his cape flowing behind him as He rides off with no more then a nod vanishing from sight. As the Girl continues her movements.

A young man comes running up to her, the breeze whipping at the back of his head his shoulder length ebony hair pulled into a pony tail held loose at the nape of his neck. He looks about with eyes like dying embers in a warm fire, and a tall, strong body which shows his days or hard work in the warn skin bronzing sun. He runs his hands once to his neck feeling the steel and leather collar there marking him as property of the Castle. But still walks tall and with purpose towards the Queen his eyes a dance with hope, he had never dared to hope before.

"Good eve garret." she speaks softly. "What can I do for ye?" He looks at her. His eyes soft to her as he kneels before her, looking as her Regal mount Silverstar rides off. Garret reaches into his pocket and holds up a weaved ring of reeds and looks at her begging her softly "Please Majesty a boy has served you many years… and has fallen in deep love for you. And with you." She looks at him falling to one knee lifting his chin in her hands. And moves carefully removing his collar.

Garret's eyes widen in fear he is being cast out and made to leave.. "Majesty no. No please dannae throw a boy away he loves you so…" She smiles to him. "Garret ye are free. Do, as ye desire knowing this. For I love you too much to keep you as a slave. A pet any longer." Hearing the words, Garret falls forwards pinning Jayla to the ground kissing her softly, his tongue darting out to meet her, a dance of passion inside of her mouth. Jayla feels her eyes melt closed as she returns his kiss her hands grasping his. Holding him as she moves her hands pulling him to her.

Garret holds her warmly, his hands moving over her body tracing about her breasts, down her stomach. He leans moving down kissing her through her shirt, his lips sucking on her nipples through her shirt. Jayla moans as his kisses awake her sleeping senses. Listening to his words. "M`Lady Jayla please marry me…" as he holds the reed ring he weaved by her hand, slipping it onto her finger. "Yes. I will Garret." she replies as she feels it on her hand.

Garret holds Jayla close to him, his heart beating as her head rests against his chest and together they forge new live and dream together. But for that moment in time, together they rest and fall asleep, under the moon and stars, their clothes soaking up the dew on the grass as nothing matters anymore but them.

-J. Elf AKA GMN 2001-

Back Into the Cantina


All work on this page is the personal and private property of Gina M. Nigro and IS NOT permitted to be used, copied reprinted or otherwise without her express written permission. All works are her property and displayed for her self enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of others.
