
Broken Moments in time..
Give forever..
A Chance to grow..
Lost within the passionate ties..
And now I just can't break free..
Trapped forever.. in a sea of screams..
A tiny voice, so soft, and so pure..
Longing, to jsut be heard..
A Word..
One tiny little thing..
Drowned out in violience.. and hate..
Just Wait..
One day your time, will come..
Lost forever in life..
This Strife.. is strangling, never letting go..
I try..
To Survive..
Hanging on.. to the limb like its gold..
so so cold..
and alone..
Forever I work, and never quit..
I strive.. to win.. and to..
just persavere..
Stregnth.. it is a part of me..
Even with the.. the loses I have endured..
Tears.. a simple part of my life..
they cleanse me..
remind me of memories..
Ever lasting.. is the numb pain..
stings like the rain..
and it just as cold
I wonder sometimes.. who I am..
AM I real..
Or is someone, always watching me..
Like Tv..
Maybe I am a bright shining star..
up afar..
from the reach of anyone or thing..
Brighter then a diamong ring..
and ten times as rare..
I wish I could care..
maybe I do..
My face so blue..
down in the pits of sorrow..
things will look up tomorrow..
I'm so sure..
Life's not a chore.. but a gift..
something to treasure..
until its gone..
Lost within the pleasures..
the treasures..
the pains.. and chains..
Ever after..
Last Chapter..
of life..
it's chasing me..
Wicked Scythe..
Takes life..
ending the misery and pain..
soft smiles..
laughing childs..
all the memories...
flood fourth..
I run and I try to escape..
No Chance..
dead end..
trapped in a lifetime..
only will can change..
Fate looms
Fate chases..
A rumour.. a legend..
Is it even real?..
I wonder..
not yet..
You haven't felt the pain that I have..
I saw..life end..
I touched the frigid hands of death and lived..
my tale to tell..
soft spoken words..
I cried out loudly into the night..
I screams.. I scream unholy hell
My pain..
My pain it is unknown..
False sympathies given..
You don't care..
But pretend to..
False faces...
thin lipped smiles..
all for show..
but for who?..
Not for me..
I'm numb..
I feel nothing.. never have..
never will..
I'm flying..
I'm soaring.. up within the skies
I cant be hurt..
I am free..
Fly free little angel..
fly free..
Free with the moon, the stars and skies..

-J. Elf AKA GMN 2001-

Back Into the Cantina

<BGSOUND SRC="https://www.angelfire.com/nj/GinaLadyHawke/Mara.mid" LOOP="-1">

All work on this page is the personal and private property of Gina M. Nigro and IS NOT permitted to be used, copied reprinted or otherwise without her express written permission. All works are her property and displayed for her self enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of others.

Email: ginaladyhawke@comcast.net