
Alone in the shadows she stands..
an unknown outcast, different from anyone you can imagine
Cheap clothes, gaunt frame, bony skeleton...
Eyes of Necromantic sadness, acid eyes, green welling pools... of sorrow.. and hatred
Broken Heart... ignored.. bereated.. Ostracized.
Dancing in darkness, voodoo princess... runed hands.
Spinning, spinning , spinning, fall down dizzy, trip and stumble.
Drunken madness, runs over broken wilted bones, laying in the graveyard.. of life.. of death.. and in between

Never a tear is shed, never a cry uttered. Blissful hatred. Burning eyes and dark heart.
Screaming, loud banshee wails, echoing deceit, insanity, and damnation.
Hissing, serpintinious movements, dark assassin, hiding in the wells of the devil
Poison, seeps into your skin, burns, dissolves, acidic nightmare, black blood.
Shadow clouds, caress the moon. Hide it from sight, radiant silver sliver, moonlight deception.
Betrayal, silent words.. knife dragging down the core of your spine. backstabber.
Unwanted,.. broken images, shattered like glass. Sharp edges of pain.
Bleeding, cut open, inspected by all, microscopic ignorance, concave fortitude, convex repulsion
BLACKMAIL! lies written on paper, spoken behind your back, irridacated hope, destroyed faith

Broken circle, fire dancing, spreading falsehoods, people listen, and believe.
Truthteller, person unknown,Shadow dancer and skywalker, clouds under your feet.
Necromantic civility, words of ice, of hate, spoken through clenched gritted teeth..
Stone, heart crushed, broken and shattered, faith ruined.. belief destroyed.
Dark Child, hands run through hair, sweeping it from, eyes burning with unholy pain, dyre pain..
Words tinged with deadly acid, with silence of ages. Destructive words, ruined kingdom..
Cynicism, a world based on Democratic procedure, World FAILED!
Winter DreamScape, blurred, burned, ashed and faded.. world jaded, and forgotten.. nothingness
World of nothing, robotic silence, infant numbness.. vacant and alone

Child, borne and bred, Evil maschiniation, chaotic insanity..
Skydancer, dreamcatch, wanderer and trader.. classic notion.. dark fatal grasp..
Murderous silence, wait wait wait.. broken promise.. wait.. wait.. wait..
Lesson learned, opinion of difference, imagery changing.. thoughts discerned.. and discarded..
Death, comes to all, abandoned lifeform, wilting,.. dead flower.. life forsaken
Unforgiven.. words remembered.. hurt, pain, blood.. Vampiric outlook...
Nothingness... nothing but darkness.... empty, godforsaken abandon.
~J. Elf AKA Gina N. 1999®~

Back Into the Cantina

<BGSOUND SRC="https://www.angelfire.com/nj/GinaLadyHawke/images/saturn.mid" LOOP="-1">

All work on this page is the personal and private property of Gina M. Nigro and IS NOT permitted to be used, copied reprinted or otherwise without her express written permission. All works are her property and displayed for her self enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of others.

Email: lyricaldragon@bigfoot.com