~Heart Break~
~*Shadows cascade in waterfall silence about the once moonkissed sparkling sand beach. Dark waters, once aquamarine blue, are now the blackest of pitch. A youth of early twenties stands there, looking towards the waters, that a sliver shaded moon caresses over, shattering its reflection for the world to see.. for her alone to see. And as if on the uplifted wings of angels and butterflies, the words so painful, or perhaps so comforting, caress fourth*~

No, I don't need you. Nor the bitter heartache that you give.
OH NO! I don't need you, I don't need you now, to live.
~*tears begin in seconds to streak her face, the words bounding off the sands, the waters.. echoing, always echoing, as if resonatted by the waters themselves*~

All you bring is deception, instead of a heart overflowing with love
Instead of warmth you bring agony, encased in a rubber coated glove!
Never was it me you saw, instead was an easy mark
All you ever really wanted was bare fleshed cuddling in the dark
So innocent were the depths of my eyes
So vacant was the pain
~*slowly slumping to the ground to hold small hands about her held together legs..*~
All those lies you whispered, and right behind my back..
Was it easier, then stabbing a blade? Or were you unable to reach that far?
Ever so scared to get close.. to touch.. to trust.. those eyes of lying deception..

~*Ever so she looks up, caressing a smooth palmed stone within her hand, letting her heart race, the tears flow, every word being whispered, as if scared that words of unprettyness would destroy the semblance of peace..*~

-J. Elf aka GMN 2000-

<BGSOUND SRC="https://www.angelfire.com/nj/blackrosecantina/ff10.mid" LOOP="-1">

All work on this page is the personal and private property of Gina M. Nigro and IS NOT permitted to be used, copied reprinted or otherwise without her express written permission. All works are her property and displayed for her self enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of others.

Email: ginaladyhawke@comcast.net