I am From...

I am from pizzas with the cheese stuck to the lid of the box, from Cherrios and Barbie Dolls - yes the heads do pop off if ya twist to hard!

I am from the halfa house with the cranky complaining neighbor next door, any sound was to loud for her, yet we always found ways to entertain ourselves despite it all.

I am from the honeysuckle bushes, that over grew the backyard fence, claiming it as their own, and the little purpl flowers that my brother still to this day calls weeds.. I think they are pretty, it's all that matters to me.

I am from family yardsales while trying to sell my cookies and lemonade.. one cup ten ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeents!.. and my father selling Christmas Trees from the backyard.. the smell of pine overpowering everything so wonderfully.. the ground covered in needles frmo the trees as we'd play hide-n- seek in the make shift tree maze, from playing video games inside and baseball outside with Jerry, Nicholas and my brother Jason (when Matthew was to young to play).

I am from the are we there yet family trips in the car and the bellowing of I will turn this car around right now.. from my father if we didn't pipe down at once.. from the occasional carnival with my grandparents who always seemed to make a few quarters really go a long long way.

From go help out in the kitchen while I supervise from my mother and Gina where's the remote control!!!.

I am from a church that seemed to become flooded in lillies at Easter and Poinsettia's at Christmas so much so you could smell nothing but flower or plant. I am from a church that sadly had a priest better at shoving people away then welcoming them with open arms, from a church that never really was quite warm enough even in the summertime. From cracked asphalt outside to cracked paint inside.. but it was always Gods house regardsless.

I'm from New Jersey!.. born of Polish and Italian both, from pierogie's with sour cream on a miserable day in the afternoon with onions on the ide for mom to the most fascinating smell of gnocchi with fresh meat sauce and garlic bread simmering away for a family weekend meal as my dad cooked while talking on the phone.

From the silly stories of my Uncle growing up and screaming SHARK! on a crowded beach, boy was his upper body not the only thing RED that summers day, to the miserable rainy day graduation where more photos were taken of the sky then of the lovely graduating person, and the memories of a turkey locked in the oven on the holidays and how we could "crack the safe" so to speak to break it out...

I am from boxes and boxes of family pictures.. from albums that have so many in them they are ready to explode wide open.. From frames so tarnished no amount of cleaning will get the dirt and stain off yet the pictures shine with a worth all their own.. from a family that no one was forgotten when it came time for photos, every child remembered in their own special unique way... from a Father who for the first years of my life was possibly married to his Polaroid camera always clicking and labeling every picture.

-2006 - J.Elf aka Gina N.-

Back Into the Cantina

<BGSOUND SRC="https://www.angelfire.com/nj/GinaLadyHawke/dark.mid" LOOP="-1">

All work on this page is the personal and private property of Gina M. Nigro and IS NOT permitted to be used, copied reprinted or otherwise without her express written permission. All works are her property and displayed for her self enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of others.

Email: Ginaladyhawke@pandora.be