I am just a face lost in the crowd..
Faceless faces stare back at me; as they go about their business..
I am a voice lost in the crowd..
No one heard my cries..
They become lost, in what is the din and orchestra of the sounds of daily life..
I am just a followerless follower...
Always at the end running to catch up.. once more left behind..
I am just a shapeless shape..
No one sees me as anything but invisible.. and even then if that
I am just a mindless mind..
Nothing good comes from me.. save for emptyness and gloom..
I am just a tearless tear..
No warmth or comfort comes from the salty dampness that molests its way down my cheeks..
I am just an emotionless emotion..
All that is warm enters me and leaves a block of ice..
I am just a friendless friend..
I sit longing for company and yet once more sit alone.. lost in a yearning for comfort..
I am.. just a heroless hero..
No one looks up to people like me.. I am nothing but a mistake..
I am just a screamless scream..
No one hears my cries for help, as they cascade and crash on the cold winter winds..
I am just a shell-less shell..
Standing as the winds start to tear me apart leaving nothing but ash behind..
I am just a voiceless voice...
Longing to be heard..
I am just a shell-less shell needing to be seen...
I am just a vacant look
Mistaken for de-ja-vu..
I am just a personless person....
and one day.... I might be you...
~Gina N. aka J. Elf 2004®