Sitting alone, in the shadows a small figure lays..
Tears falling down her face..
Such sadness, so unknown by others..
Impossible to try to erase..
Lodged so far.. so deep within..
The breaking of a heart..
Tears so slowly falling now..
Staining the child-like features.. of a young woman
Whispers always surround her..
Following whereever she goes.. whatever she does..
Can any ever let her be?..
Will happiness ever find her?
Stregnth lost within the darkness.
A weak form staring fourth..
felled to her knees which bruise on the tile..
Bruise.. much like the broken jagged pieces.. of a once healthy heart
Shivering, lost in the shadows of gloom..
The cruel words flowing like the rapids..
breaking ehr down more and more..
leaving her a crying quivering mess of tears..
Is there anyway for her to become strong?
Any way to survive..
One thing is for sure..
Sadness is no way to live..
~Gina N. aka J. Elf 2004®