~*Swallowed Tears*~

Sitting alone, in the shadows a small figure lays..
Tears falling down her face..
Such sadness, so unknown by others..
Impossible to try to erase..

Lodged so far.. so deep within..
The breaking of a heart..
Tears so slowly falling now..
Staining the child-like features.. of a young woman

Whispers always surround her..
Following whereever she goes.. whatever she does..
Can any ever let her be?..
Will happiness ever find her?

Stregnth lost within the darkness.
A weak form staring fourth..
felled to her knees which bruise on the tile..
Bruise.. much like the broken jagged pieces.. of a once healthy heart

Shivering, lost in the shadows of gloom..
The cruel words flowing like the rapids..
breaking ehr down more and more..
leaving her a crying quivering mess of tears..

Is there anyway for her to become strong?
Any way to survive..
One thing is for sure.. Sadness is no way to live..

~Gina N. aka J. Elf 2004®

Back Into the Cantina

<BGSOUND SRC="https://www.angelfire.com/nj/blackrosecantina/ffx.mid" LOOP="-1">

All work on this page is the personal and private property of Gina M. Nigro and IS NOT permitted to be used, copied reprinted or otherwise without her express written permission. All works are her property and displayed for her self enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of others.

Email: valorisxc@hotmail.com