The Words...

The Words I Cannot Say....

There are some words.... I simply can not say..
For every time I do, I start to cry..
There are some words, I simply dare not speak..
For the bad memories they always bring to mind..
There are those words.. I simply can not think..
For every time I try, My heart; it breaks..
There are some words.. I simply can not bear..
For every time I try to same them; I lose another part of Me..

There are the words I wish to say..
The ones held close and dear..
There are the ones I try to say..
But I cannot, I sadly fear..
They are the ones that mean so much..
To others well at least..
There are the ones I cry over..
The ones that make me feel weak..

He knows exactally who he is..
And why he is appreciated so..
and yet he feels neglected I think..
Because I can not speak..
What he so longs to hear..
What I so long to say say.. but cant..
I wish He could understand..
I wish I could bend...

He knows exactally who he is...
He is loved so very much..
He knows exactally who he is..
I cherish every moment..
And sometimes I reach out as if to say..
And then the words escape Me...

-J. Elf A.K.A. Gina Nigro 2003.-

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All work on this page is the personal and private property of Gina. M. Nigro and IS NOT permitted to be used, copied reprinted or otherwise without her express written permission. All works are her property and displayed for her self enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of others.
