
Last night, i touched him, i felt his warmth, His stregnth..
i felt the love within his heart, as he crushed me to His body..
His words, so calm, so filled with desire, and love, "I, will never let you be hurt my sweet one.."
i lifted a hand, and trickled it down his cheek, caressing tender flesh..
He cupped my chin, with His powerful hands, and lifted my gaze to meet His..
Deep intense filled eyes, met mine..
i felt lost within the castles hidden chambers...
Within the warm folds of the satin and velvet..
i felt vulnerable.. wishing to protest.. trying to break free..
He touched a finger to my lips, as if reading my mind.. silencing any thought of such..
i whimpered, yet nodded none the less, as He moved, silencing the light, leading me..

The air was cool, and a light breeze danced over the floor..
The playful breeze bit at the covers on the bed.. as He led me fourth, holding a hand, covering my eyes..
"Kneel" He said, His voice strong and commanding, i offered no objection.. no argument...
i sank to my knees, kneeling on the soft plush rug on the wooden floor, my toes curling some..
my ass resting on the heels of my feet, i knew not what to expect..
His kisses were light.. feather soft.. placed over the perimeter of my neck.. and cheeks..
"I will not hurt you, trust Me." once more i nodded... closing my eyes, shivering, as He continued kissing me..
the cold air, making my nipples perk under the flimsy shirt i wore..
He saw what was slowly happening to my body.. and grasped my hand gently, and stood me up..

i was placed on the bed, rose petals covering it, slowly sticking to my arms,.. my face.. as i whimpered..
He knelt over me, and chained my hands above me, gently, yet i never noticed, my love for him was far to deep..
"My job is never done, until the woman is satisfied".. or did i imagine him saying the words?.. maybe i'll never know..
He removed my clothes.. and caressed every inch of my body.. pleasuring me with his ultra light touch..
and then.. when i thought.. i could take no more...
when i thought i would scream from the intensity rushing through me..
I woke up... alone, laying on the flowered couch..
Laying in my living room, a tear snaking down my cheek, as I stared outwards..
Stared out the window, then the wall.. wishing,.. hoping.. It was real..
But I wonder.. was I really imagining those touches.. or did He somehow reach across..
Reach out across the miles between us.. and really touch me.. to let me know..
'Yes you are loved..'
perhaps I will never ever know...
Maybe I am scared to know..
Just Maybe....
I am..
Yes, I am.
~Gina N. aka J. Elf 2004®

Back Into the Cantina

<BGSOUND SRC="https://www.angelfire.com/nj/GinaLadyHawke/images/valor.mid" LOOP="-1">

All work on this page is the personal and private property of Gina M. Nigro and IS NOT permitted to be used, copied reprinted or otherwise without her express written permission. All works are her property and displayed for her self enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of others.

Email: valorisxc@hotmail.com