The Prince of DC has chosen to entrust the more mundane tasks of monitoring and judicating to his personal council of Harpies...the "elite" of DC. The Primogen Council still exists, but at a lower station than it was with other Princes. Only those Primogen who are also one of Prince deWinter's Harpies have his "full confidence". The position of Seneschal has been given the responsibility of "watchdogging" the Primogen Council. It is his job to keep the Council focussed on the importatn isssues of the city, he has no control over the Harpies. Although he has no "vote" of his own, his is the voice that will break any "ties" voted on by the Primogen. Unlike under the previous Prince, the Seneschal does not have the Right of Destruction. In fact, Prince deWinter has not even granted that right to the Camarilla Archon in the area, Gillian Carmel, making him the first Prince in DC history to ever deny that right to the Justicar's representative in the city.
Each Primogen is allowed to bring an advisor, or clan "second" to the Primogen Council meetings. These "seconds" only hold stading within the heirarchy of each of their own clans in DC, they are *not* recognised as having authority by the Prince or Seneschal, unless their Primogen is missing or not available, then they have their Primogen's "vote" for that evening alone.
If the Primogen Council is the political "left hand" of the Prince, the Sheriff and Deputies are the sword in his "right hand". The Sheriff protects the city from enemies outside and from within, and execute the Prince's laws with swift brutality. The Sheriff has the Right of Destruction, only upon the order of the Prince.
If you want to contact any of the ruling Council for between games actions, click on their name for a link to their email (remember to copy on all between games actions, as well as your Clan Storyteller).