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the letters n through z are brought to you by velma. i would have to say scooby doo is mi fav cartoon of all time, and what would the show be with out the one person who actually solves the mysteries. sure she doesnt have the raw beauty of daphne, but shes got brians, braun, and a pair or rad glasses.

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princess allura: she was the female member of voltron (a very rad show if u axe me). i *think* she was the pilot of the blue lion.

rainbow brite: ill tell u one thing, she had a rad head of hair.

all the sailor discriptions sept the sailor moon and sailor mars ones are by cecilia. aww, isnt shes rad? if anyone else wants to write stiff for this page emial me, cus mi discriptions kinda suck :)

sailor jupiter: aka kino makoto

sailor mars: she is so fair and beautiful, not to mention a bad-guy killing machine. *swoon* ps- her real name is hino rei.

sailor moon: aka princess serena. she may be a bit of a cluts once and a while, but when its time for action sailor mars is 100 percent herione

sailor neptune: she held the first of the 3 tailsmen... the aqua mirror. when sailor neptune was killed and her tailsmen was released, sailor uranus killed herself. they were both brought back to life by super sailor moon I think. sailor neptune's real name is kaiou michiru.

sailor pluto: ohhh... sailor pluto, my absolute FAVOURITE sailor scout ever! she's beautiful! she is also the controller of time. she holds the 3rd of the three tailsmen... the garnet orb. when all of the 3 tailsmen are united they form the holy grail enableing sailor moon to turn into super sailor moon... betcha didn't know that did ya? anyway, sailor pluto's name is meiou setsuna. she was the one that allowed chibi usa to go back in time and she was also the one who talked to rini through the luna ball.

sailor saturn: i don't really know much about her because I only have a manga with her in it. but i do know she is a very frail little girl, and she is friends with chibi usa. she carries the silence glave, and she has the power to heal people. her real name is tomoe hotaru.

sailor uranus: now, most everyone knows about the **special relationship** between sailor uranus and sailor neptune... they are in love which was part of the reason that the later episodes of sailor moon were deemed unappropriate for American children. BIte ME. anyway, sailor uranus help the 2nd of the 3 tailsmen... I forget what it was called, but it's a sword. her real name is ten'ou haruka.

she-ra: there are a plethora of she-ra sites, so by all means dig in.

strawberry shortcake: wendianne's favorite! i used to have strayberry shortcake scratch and sniff stickers. yuuummm!

velma dinkley: see above for a picture and info on this nerd-goddess

wonder woman: need i say more? she is like the all-time classic cartoon heroine. wonder woman was by far the best, and strongest characters of the *great* show "the superfriends." jamie has a wonder woman belt ..she's a lucky gal.