you seemed so queer sitting and staring
your blood red lips your outlined eyes
porcelin complexion and your big rockstar
conceit but all the mentals love you so who
am i to say under the limelight
you fuck your dolls and leave them dead
you hold a face with no expression
they say you're in a deep depression
and they'll cut your tounge out
so you can't tell them what you are
but all they do is worship you so who am i to
say you seemed so tragic crying and screaming
you can't break through the glass
you fuck your dolls and braid their hair and
wish that they'd adore you
instead of sitting and staring
and looking like victimized queers but
all they do is sit and stare so who am i to
say inside charlie i am doing what he tells
me to i am looking through his eyes
and seeing worn out dolls
i am wearing fishnet stockings
and blood red lipstick
my eyes are surrounded
and my face is protected
but my hair's been sun bleached
and my dolls are screwed
under the limelight i'm breaking
but all they'd do is leave me
so who am i to say

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