God is in the TV

   gods in the tv mom. (said john)8years). (mom)stop being such a littal shit and stop that nonsence and go to bed. youve watched to much tv. (dad) john mom said youve been braken rulz.(john) but dad i saw god in the tv he told me to bendover and stuff.(dad) susie get me a bar of soap this kid neads thearipy. (mom) ok honney ill get that bar of soap and ill call a thearipist . (john) but but mom no dont i just makeing it up and and um i wont say anything about it any more just dont take me to thearupy please dont .(MOM) ok but if you say anything like that again your ass is going into thearipy (dad) Since your mom said i geuse ok your not going but you heared your mother if you say somthing like that again your going and you know it.(john) Mom   can I go to bed now (mom) yes hunny you can.the next morning when john got up he looked in the mirror and saw the devil and died

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