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What this Page Rose From The Ashes to Become


I think that should be the .wav file for my link page. If you recall, I had a page a WHILE ago called Sailor Scully's Link Files. Basically, that's all that was on it. Links.

Links can get EXTREMELY boring if that's all you have on your page. The Home page started out as nothing BUT links (and a few pictures). As you can tell, a lot of that has changed. I got a Mark Hamill area, a Star Wars area, soon-to-be Sailor Moon area...and they have all their links on my Home page! Hmmm...time to link up to other pages.

Here's the (few) links I have on my homepage. This will change a few things. (Duh) So if you come Home and all you see are three links to my other areas, chill. The aliens didn't take them anywhere. Well...let's not go there....^_~

Got Scout? Sailor Scout that is.

Sailor Moon images and info page
Sailor Moon images, info, plots, manga info...oh, forget it.

Video Games are a MUST in today's frantic life.

If you own a PlayStation, you should at least bookmark this site.