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Straight From Hell: The Best of South Florida Radio!

The best radio is radio that doesn't take itself too seriously. South Florida radio is no exception.

In my opinion, Mix 102.3 (West Palm Beach area) has the best everything. Everyone is real nice when you call up and ask for a song.

But of course, I'm playing favorites.

The "Mo and Sally Show" (5:30-9:00 a.m. weekdays) is the most hillarious bit of comedy and crud mixed together with today's music. Mo and Sally are accompanied by the freak Jimmy Bag of Donuts (who just recently had his vasectomy live on the air!), the geek Sean Bon Jovi (who really DOES look like a hippee), and the antique Pam Crosby. These five are notorious for early morning shenanigans and goofy schemes. (So is it Jimmy Bag of No Nuts now?)

Now the worst has happened...they discovered the INTERNET! (enthralling music background) Yes, now you, too, can laugh your cakehole off at Order a cop calendar for 10.00$ and all proceeds go to the Connor Moran Children's Cancer Association. Don't believe me? Check yourself!

The most famous (or infamous) end up here. Jokes, song parodies, and Storytimes alike make the Morning Show worth listening to. (Even if Jimmy does resemble a serial killer;-).)

Their first song parody, "Livin La Vida Boca", is a pun off of Ricky Martin's hit song "Livin la Vida Loca". However, in contrast, this parody conveys life in the "fogey" lane of the elderly residents of nearby Boca Raton, Florida. But if you know Florida, this song can be applied--like ointments--just about anywhere.

Here it is, live (verbally) on the Hotaru Tomoe's Central Control 136.9, Livin la Vida Boca!


She's into "Wheel of Fortune", shuffleboard, and collecting dolls./She gets up really early and goes to walk at the shopping mall.

She's into Alex Trebek, Tony Bennett and Sinatra./She's got a smile on her face, thanks to the Viagra!

She doesn't use a wheelchair; she prefers a walking cane!/She's just like all her other friends who sit around and complain!/ About all their aches and pains!

Oh no!

B-I-N-G-O! She's Livin la Vida Boca!

She's up at four a.m.! Livin la Vida Boca!

Her hair is silver blue; and her eyes are outta focus!

In bed by eight p.m., she's livin la vida Boca!

Drivin' through Boca Raton/ can't see ov'r the steerin' wheel

She signaled right and she turned left/ I rolled my window down to yell.

Her teeth may be false but her gold and diamonds, they are real; she's barely strong enough to break the child-proof safety seal! To take another pill!

Oh, Yeah!

(repeat chorus)


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