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Hotaru to the Future!

This is my page dedicated to the (third) greatest trilogy in the world! (Aside from the "Sailor Moon" and "Star Wars" trilogies...although Star Wars isn't really a trilogy anymore...)

"Back to the Future": those four words have the power to make my parents squirm from watching it so many times. Whoo Hoo! I watch it because it's such a good movie and that it's just so funny. The effects are wonderful and done by the Star Wars people: Industrial Light and Magic!

I love this image. It's from a Japanese "Back to the Future" book. See the katakana?

Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Thomas F. Wilson, Lea Thompson...these names are synonymous with other great things, but it was BTTF that defined them. (I think:-))

So strap yourselves in, set the time circuits, load the plutonium, and check the flux capacitor. We're gonna need those 1.21 jiggowatts to get to the 1980's, the 1950's, the 1880's, and the year 2015!

(And don't worry: Einstein will be fine.)

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Hop in the DeLorean and travel back to the Hotaru!

My Favorite things about Back to the Future