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Sailor Moon deserved a place on my page. Sailor Moon, of course, is MY LIFE.

So far, (where have we heard this before?) this will only be links. (Famous last words of Hotaru-patented webpages.) I'll put up a few pictures, like the one I have above. I don't have many. But, you'll like what I have. I'll like to get a few Sailor Scout/Senshi profiles on here, but until I get around to it, you're stuck with crud and diddly-squat.

My Favorite Web Sites

The Save Our Sailors Web Campaign. WE WANT ALL THE EPISODES AND MOVIES!
The Cult of Serenity Sailor Moon HQ.
The Sailor Senshi Page
Sheer Lunacy! The Nitpicker's Guide to the Sailor Moon Universe.
The Everchanging Sailor Moon Gateway.
Crystals in the Moonlight
The Anime Web Turnpike: Sailor Moon Links
Mixx Entertainment
Discussion about Sailor Moon TV series.
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My Fave Things about Sailor Moon