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Cherry Hill Township Artwork Collection

(Found at the Cherry Hill Town Hall and Cherry Hill Art Center at Croft Farm, among other places)

The Cherry Hill Arts Advisory Board plays a vital role (through the annual Art Blooms Festival and commissioning) in the purchase of artwork for the township.

Blum's "Snake River & Mt. Moran, Wyoming"

Crandall's "Barclay Farmstead"

Diamondstein's "Unexpected Rain"

Eggly's "Still Formations"

Forman's "Spirit Probe / Searchers"

Gelak's "Lilly Pond"

Gelak's "Rancocas Dancer #1"

Gelak's "Spring Morning"

Guienze's "Roots Study"

Hanhn's "Ungenami Il Prismissimo"

Ken's "One Rose"

Lake's "Haddonfield Park"

Matalon's "Homage to Nevelson"

Potter's "Moonlight Azaleas"

Rubenstein's "Mystic Channel"

Schumm's "Studio Life"

Schumm's "Thoughts of You"

Shectman's "Power on the River Abstract I"

Spirn's "Anthurium 1"

Stern's "For the Dead Poets"

Toogood's "Cranberry Harvest"

Toogood's "Quiet Night"

Toogood's "Twilight"

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Last revision: May 8, 2001