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Well, being as most of my friends have added a page like this to theirs, gosh darnit if I couldn't help doing one too :) It just brought back way too many memories :)

Who Could Forget When...

Eric and I decided to call Laurie "goat?"
We went to the Mummer's Parade?
I was the only one that got grounded for 3 MONTHS for going to the parade? :)
Ash chased me around the house and sprayed aerosol cheese in my hair at Becky's New Year's Eve Party?
My neighbor mowed his lawn at 1:15 AM?
We had fettuccini alfredo and dakaris at Colonial?
We went to Colonial with Mr. Cook?
We played 'Inferno' under red stage lights?
Doug spased at those people in Friendly's after the Holiday Concert?
We thought Mr. Softy was stalking us?
We woke up every morning at band camp to the sound of "Wow...hey...yeah.."?
We went on a corn run but returned without corn and a dumb story about a slug?
We told E. Murph Jokes?
We actually payed attention in Music Major?
Kim whacked me in the head with an ear of corn?
We went to Friendly's and "I was walking?"
Homecoming '97 and the Pez Dispenser?
We stole the guys tape recorder and recorded our own "documentation?"
I wrote Laurie that note?
We had Kick the Goat Day?
Becky squirted Slim Fast out of her nose and it went everywhere?
We had a Bon Fire and Dipes caught on fire?
We went to Sicklerville instead of going Bowling?
We went around the Brooklawn Circle 7 times in a row?
We threw Gummy Bears at the screen in "In and Out?"
We played gym volleyball with "what's up with that dude?"
We played softball?
We "rolled down the window?"
We all got mono?
Mr. A told us to get "psyched" for the AP test?
We made an "anatomically correct" Nacci out of pretzels?
We thought that everything eluded to sex?
Lucas was being stalked by the red light?
We threw Gummy Bears at you-know-who's house?
Stinger and Ash soaped Michelle's car window?
Mr. Cook said "Er Dirt" for the first time?
I first wore the "Spice Girl Jacket?"
Geoff "didn't screw the goat?"
We went to the fire works in Woodbury and that lady's chair broke?
Ash chased Laurie around the school saying, "Charlie!!"?
We littered Camp Ramblewood with 90 ears of corn?
We made a commentated analysis of Band Camp?
I forced everyone to watch the Band Camp Documentation at least a hundred times? :) Sorry, kids :)
Mr. A always used mountain metaphors and the "hand wave thing-y?"
I brought the Chick-fil-a sign to camp?
Crawford gave us that "do you have the love" speech in '95?
Becky and I became WD's two most wanted email hackers?
Mr. Cook sang "Bitchin' Camaro?"
We cheered louder than the cheerleaders at the football games?
We played Fight On way too much?
We wrote that poem about Jon Kalnas?
We put ornaments on our instruments at the Christmas Concert?
E. Murph fell on me and broke my sax?
We talked to Weed and Bullfrog?
We danced on crappy silver dimes and the paint got everywhere?
Becky, Jen, and I were "going to marry Tori Amos?"
We wrote a bunch more Opuses to The Song?
We played My Game?
Ash almost got killed in the mosh pit at Chumbawamba? (pity... :) )
Becky and Liza played every other note in their Amazing Grace solo?
Eric and I were GOING to play Sanford and Son instead of our solo?
We were actually expected to practice during Lunch 6th period?
We got tickets to the Tori concert?!?!
Woody got locked in my bathroom after Homecoming?
We tried to get Becky "a dude for a night?"
Laurie thought one of the Gibson's was The Goat?
The sophmores were too "cool" for us to talk to?
Becky hopped the median strip?
We took the 99 cents sign and the Bowl of Chili sign?
We spent the entire night of Prom outside on a lake because the music was so bad?
Rambo put lemon and cream in his tea and it curtled the milk?
Jim and Doug injested helium from the balloons and sang "Gilligan's Island?"
Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York" was the only *quality* song they place at Prom?
Laurie decided to "be all that she can be?"
Becky yelled at those ingrates who told us to 'shut up' during lunch?
I said that if I won $195 million, I'd buy the Swiss Army and kill Mrs. Ellis?
We could go to classes without getting a headache from "Parfum de la TAR?" :)
That kid just kept harrassing me and Amber?
We were first introduced to That Guy?
We translated everything into ebonics?
We invented the Jiggy Straw?
We went to see Dirty Work three times in one weekend?
We had Peach Cobbler Pizza at Pizza Hut on the last day of school?
We went to see Dirty Work FOUR times and the last time we saw it, we laughed harder then ever? :)
We got our "Immigration Pictures" taken in the booth with that scary boy on it?
We discovered the Hispanic Boogie Station?
We made those "emergency" stops at CVS at midnight almost every weekend?
We drove around the Echelon Mall six times just to "kill time?"
We saw the *bestest* band, "Wannabe Carter," play at the coffee house?"
Everyone in the band, especially Deena's "pimp", was a MAJOR dude? :)
Becky was way too attached to her putty?
Becky bought a "Shampoo" CD?
Doug licked that cheese off of his arm?
We laughed so hard that we cried at *every* meal?
That lady in the DMA cafeteria made the comment about our "Bowl of Ice?"
Tesh was jipped out of three meatballs?
We squished the rice on our trays?
We thought that the weird Fro Guy was going to mug us?
Becky gave Dipes a wedgie and ripped his grunties? :)
We just *had* to get a new coffee pot at Macy's?
We found our "dude spot?"
Becky gnawed on that bone in K-Mart?
We pointed that laser-thingy at those Chinese guys?
Hurff said, "Damn, Shaniquah!!"?
We had a conversation and passed around the "F*ing Popcorn" in the PartyWagon?
Ash ripped his pants and spilled popcorn all over the back of Hurff's car?
We found out that Acme *does* sell wrenches?
We stared at people and serenaded them with Poorly Imitated Hispanic Boogie?
Dipes kept farting in Acme and Becky announced it to the shoppers?
Laurie was dressed like a clown at Fun Day?
We did the Karaoke Marathon at Fun Day?

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