This is as good a way to put it as any, the feeling that you just can’t seem to lose. That nagging sensation that keeps at you, despite any effort to free yourself from the intrusion of thought. In this idea, it not only seems to be calling you, all day long, but also is something that you want. It is something that your desire is to reconcile, to bring to some reasonavle determination.
That is the way it is for a lot of believers, they will get stuck on an issue, some haunting, nagging question, that is beyond the scope of casual interest. It is a question that won’t be placed to rest until time beyond a reasonabile expectation for inquery.
There is no use in trying to escape the demand for answer, it is not forthcoming. The only way to quell the haunting is to open yourself up to whatever the subject matter is. Doing so, making the effort is insurance to know that your diligence will be rewarded when your answers are found.
It is not an annoying suggestion but it is an invitation for you to look and find the mysteriees of our life with Jesus….