I am a great fan of looking at things with a cynical mind. I also have a firm belief of. the fact that we are here and now. I also am burdened with an urgency for order, for getting things in order. I have said I am a fan of the chaotic, so long as I can organize it. So while I was traipsing through my cd collection, naming and renaming songs and files, I came across a band called All Together Separate. Now just so you understand, I recently made a playlist of All Together Separate, Van Morrison and Pink Floyd and if you think that combination isn’t extreme, you’re a better person then i.
So as the songs flowed from one to another I “heard” an interesting line from ATS in their song Revolution. It is a simple line that says, “what have we been waiting for?” and today as I listen to it, the phrase is this,” Why have we come here?
What lies in store?
Isn't this what we have all been waiting for?” It beought me to wonder about that, I mean I would suppose we have all reach those times in our life, why have we come here, what lies in store? And then, as quickly the answer becomes apparent, isn’t this what we have been waiting for?
My psychology is that all that all of us is going through is where we are, it is that time in life and nothing before it, nor anything ahead of it can change it. No hope or dream, no memory, no shoulda, coulda, or woulda makes a matter. We are here, in our dirt in desperate need of One things, God’s forgiving and saving grace.
I thought about the band name that is the reason we are all reading this, The Waiting. Now I have heard them say the band is named from the Tom Petty song, but when I heard this song, I thought it was as good a definition as they have given and I have playfully tried to undermine. I think they would agree, and as the song also states, Stand and be counted for we all are soldiers in the revolution of heart and mind and soul.
The rest of the lyrics emphasizes who we are in Christ’s power, how we will overcome, what we have been waiting for. In one of my favorite band sermons, God Has a Plan, Brad in very dramatic fashion is joined by the band in a maniacal crescendo of Romans 8:38-39. ATS uses the same verse selection in this song, Listen to this, “Oh, I am convinced that the consequence of Your effort is eternity And paradise remains for those who choose to claim His promise as reality.
Nor death
Nor life
Nor angels
Nor principalities
Nothing present can separate us from His love
This is great acclaim, KNOW THIS, the consequence of your effort is eternity…..eternity. Paradise remains for those who choose to claim His promise as reality. Paradise remians, an eternity of paradise……..
On that damp field in Zarepath, New Jersey that night, Brad ended his rendition of these verses with a thundering and booming, Amen, Amen, Amen as the crowd echoed cheered and danced. After all this is what we were waiting for……..
Lord Jesus,
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for giving me the beauty of Your Words and the ability to reach others in the spreading of Your Kingdom. I am not worthy to tie Your sandals and yet You bless me so. I live to serve You, that is what I am Waiting for…..Amen…