There are approximately 6.6 billion people on this earth with possibly as many unique characteristics to identify us. And like our DNA or fingerprints there is at a minimum of one thing that makes us the one in six billion.
It is far easier to accept our likenesses then to appreciate our differences and that is unfortunate, because the Creator saw a need to separate us with that one distinguishing factor. I venture to suggest that if we learned to appreciate this difference we then would be able to coincide with less strife then when we make that difference the focus of uneasiness.
I have grown to consider the diversity that makes people who they are and allow them to be individuals. Though not perfect, I as a matter of practice, consider that everyone is put here with a purpose and direction that suits the needs of the God I believe in. So if He sees fit to assemble a cast of unlikelies, I look to see His purpose at work rather then to consider the depth of my own personal affinities and intentions.
The song, “If You Could See (What I See) by Christian artist Geoff Moore inspired me to write these thoughts when I heard in the chorus that there are days when I am so much less then ideal and it makes me wonder what You see in me. This question can give rise to many a wonderful and thoughtful response.
First from Psalms 134, we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of the almighty and for His purpose. We sometimes lose track of that purpose among all the temptations of a world bent on destroying holy morals and righteous values. The faithful understand He is beside us throughout all our fears, concerns, and emotions. He has promised never to leave or forsake us and to never place us in any situation without an avenue or venue for relief or escape.
Here among the overwhelming possibilities in our life is one staggering truth. God sent His only Son to die for you who believe, so that you do not have to endure the suffering and heartache that He did. He has claimed victory over all the trials and tribulations in our life so that we may never perish but instead have everlasting life at His Right Hand.
We are uniquely, fearfully and wonderfully made as individuals, each with a trait given to us by a loving God which allows Him to see beyond what we see as our less then ideal imperfections and make us wonder……