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One of the things I love about Christian literature is the ability of certain writers to be able to describe the enormity of a situation. I wish my talents allowed me to turn a phrase that could encompass all of what I thought needed to be said. Somehow saying that God is love (1 John 4:8) is infinitely more descriptive then I could ever make it.

If you read that 1 Cor 2:9, No eye has seen,. No ear has heard,. and no mind has imagined. the things that God has prepared. for those who love Him; says volumes more about what to expect then could ever be written. Indeed any reflection about the power of God in your life will reveal many ways subtle and dramatic that God touches us.

Music too, has written in abundance, using only a line to define it. The Waiting in their song, Never Dim, about the dynamics of a God, with all He has done, is doing, and will ever do, He has yet to break a sweat. When you think about it, using even the best of our work ethic, pales to what God has provided. There simply is not enough imagination to capture His world.

So is the way of the things that are of the world, the things that confound and corrupt us. The series of events that seemingly never seems to quit, tearing at us, pulling at us to understand. We grow dim and weary in face of all that we endure. But faith’s expectation is no weaker in today’s world as it was in any other time. Building 429 brings to light that even as we are not of this place, and we are destined for a room in the house of God, we are here and the devastation of society is in our face. The band goes on to say that our streets are hard and cold and there is a stench of helplessness. (the enormity of that phrase).

It is not easy to keep hope, when all around you is changing and unstable. It is in fact the strongest test of our character. Often we feel that we have lost hope and all that we are wants to run, we (think we) are helpless and undone. But God has promised to be with us now and forever, never to leave or forsake us. The bridge of this Building 429 song, “Above it All”, says that maybe we are not supposed to fly, cause maybe You want me here tonight. In fact we are exactly where God wants us, facing and doing, executing exactly what His plan for good is for us.

Sicknesses, and addictions, broken hearts and lost loves make it hard to believe but there is no other possibility. All we can do is wait patiently in the Lord for Him to reveal the hope that is in Him. The song chorus’ Jesus to lift us up, the broken and alone, those afraid to stand alone, and lift us up above it all.

Email: Tom