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So what would the accounting be? When the final tally was complete, just how many things other then the One that could offer you help, would you have turned too? It’s not often that we think about, it seems and comes automatically, to find council in those around us, in the ones we trust. We may look to our spouse, or our families to help with solutions to the high ponderings that we have.

If we are lucky enough, we have those people in life that we can turn to, to share our concerns, worries and fears with. I want you to consider that last remark, and reflect on those three items and how they apply to your life. Concerns, worries and fears can consume everything we do. It is overwhelming to even begin to think about all we have to endure when these three things manifest themselves in our lives.

So, we talk to our families, our friends, our Pastors and still the sickness in our hearts over the things we face, remains. Without resolution some of us look for comfort in the abuses of the earth. And aren’t there a lot of them, food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, over indulgences over nearly everything we do. When you look at your own personal list of ways you seek to find peace and comfort in these chaotic times, some of them may have devastating proportions attached to them. We can spend years mired in our addictions caught in the stranglehold of our own inability to find our way through them. Sickness, depression, oppression and frustration just begin to illiterate the dangers we find ourselves in.

Support groups, therapists and well care individuals and business thrive at our frenzy to find a sense of normalcy or complacency among others struggling for the same realizations of sanity. We seek out friends and others going through the same maze of situations, thirsty to find some likeness to those who seem to have overcome. For all the good will and meaning the helpful try to be, we often can just find some consolation in the fact they were are not alone in our infirmities and weaknesses.

We are going to see Christian Music’s Casting Crowns this weekend and (somewhat unwittingly) realize there song, What If His People Prayed” offers the only true solution for our sick hearts. The song is filled with many analogous references to the point of asking God to guide us. One infamous verse, and one which will gather the most audience participation (should they sing this song) is this, “What if the family turned to Jesus (and) Stopped asking Oprah what to do.” I don’t want to pick on Oprah, surely any of these people/ shows could be exchanged, but so also could ALL the things we turn to.

The Lord God Almighty, Creator of the universe and Architect of all we do has PROMISED us on more then a few occasions that He will relieve us of our concerns, worries and fears. He has made it abundantly clear that He will never leave or forsake us. He has given us His Word that He will never allow us to be placed in situations that there isn’t a way out of. He will answer the prayers of those who believe in Him. If we stand at His door and knock He will answer it without hesitation. He knows the sickness in our hearts before we come to Him and He has a plan for each and every one of His followers and it is a plan for good, for comfort and peace.

By now most of you know that my cousins, and their own Christian music group The Waiting are the reason I chose to follow Christ. It was through one of their concerts and through the testimony of Hebrews 4:16 that enables me to offer this encouragement to you. It is written, “come boldly to the Throne of Grace, that you may find mercy and grace to help in time of need. Move boldly to seek GOD”S help in all you do and He will provide for your every need. That’s the best advice you can give, is to turn to God in EVERYTHING you do, because He care for you……