Freedom of Full Surrender
The circle of life, dependency of one, upon another to survive. What is our part in the big picture, is it influential or inconsequential? Does it make a difference in the whole of it? We have some calling, so answering that call becomes the level of importance. We see through others the needs and wants of the world, to bring about cohesiveness. We mark and are marked by every ways and means possible.
There is no end to the level of interaction we encounter, the wonder of it is how much of it we see. We may encourage those around us in the way of world, but when they act in those ways, are we as quick to promote their actions? If when prayers are answered and acknowledged, are we as quick to point out that we recognize that acknowledgment? If not, why not?
The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5, to encourage one another and edify (strengthen, build up) in the ways of the Lord. That becomes the calling we answer. Sometimes it is hard to continue in those ways, to hold fast the intentions of the word. But with the symbiotic support of others, what goes around comes around. If one day you find some reason to believe, you should share that reason with others. If one day you need to lean on someone, do so with the knowledge that someday and somewhere, someone will have to lean on you. This is not a possibility, this is as guaranteed as tomorrows sunrise. And I will tip you off to a secret here, when the time to be leaned on comes, it will likely be as rewarding as the times when leaning is needed. It is one of the mysteries of the faithful. You CANNOT serve without being served as part of the process. Impossible!
Be that as it may, there are lots of reasons why people don’t seize the opportunities that come at them everyday. Fear of rejection and ridicule are foremast in the hearts of the faithful as they consider walking out in faith. I can tell you the verses to read, but will they permeate down into the heart of the matter? "God blesses you when you are mocked and persecuted and lied about because you are my followers.” And now with God’s blessings, what fear can there be? I challenge you that there are none.
Don’t fear becoming part of the process, don’t be afraid to give what you want the most. Don’t hesitate to open yourself up to what you think will hurt you the most. The rewards for the things we do in the Name of Jesus are beyond even what my imagination can conjure up. Let yourself go, the freedom of a full surrender is exhilarating.