Certainly I could do no better a job of deciphering the scriptures then others. Facts be known, my interpretation is likely to fall on the shallow side of what God intends for us to understand about His Word. It is not that I am not trying to understand or that I wouldn’t want to portray God in the greatest of ways but I am just a meager mortal.
When I recently read from the devotional of a man far better prepared to invoke the word of God, I came away feeling a bit short changed. The selection of scripture seemed to say far more to me, about its second half, then it did the first. There is no doubt or question that drinking of the river of living waters will satisfy like never before.
But to me, along with the thirst ending and hunger satisfying portions of partaking in the word of God is the transformation, the metamorphosis that takes place as a result of this. He who believes, out of his heart will flow the rivers of living water. Take a moment to let that sink in. For he who believes, out of His mouth will flow rivers of living water. Essentially this means that you would become the supplier of the same content that the Bible provides.
Because you indulge yourself in the truth of God’s word, you become a source from which others may come to drink. From being transformed, you become the transformer, providing the same wellspring of refreshing and redeeming water. Imagine the immense sense of satisfaction you will feel, providing such a valuable resource for those around you. Little of what we do can offer the kind of comfort one can find in the word of God. Not only does the Bible provide your asset as a supplier of the word but it also suggests that the words we say will be placed in our mouths at the right time.
Words of comfort, peace and encouragement, provided for those in time of help or need, all because you, yourself decided to follow the teachings of the Savior. These are excitement generating prospects saved as a benefit for Christ’s followers.