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Face of Hope


This song may be easy to decipher, I mean at first glance lyrically it isn’t so hard to pick apart. Three lines in each stanza setting up the forth line. So it seems that the line of council, the line that warns of the fall, will always temper finding the way to the safe lines. The heaviness of day always is the part of day where temptation and sin attacks and compromises the stillness of dawn.


The second verse describing a following day, uses the line of the music ending to describe the end to our frolicking and dancing in the morning’s sunrise. Signifying in my interpretation the same realization of sin encompassing our daily life and routine.


In verse four the reversal begins, or the realization of how to break the cycle of sin dragging you under. The lyrics define that “I come to you with a dream in my hand”, a very simple statement to making God the first focus in life. “Holding on to a Word I know is true”, like no other truth, not the words of this essay, nor the words of the song can bring you that. And in the final line, the recollection “that I, I never knew”. Many have that same reaction to the facts of what Jesus can be for you. He actually can do everything we can imagine.


One of the coolest things He does for us, He enables us to understand to come to the realization that all the other faces that we encounter as the years roll by will fade and fail us and leave God as the only dependable One.


As the fans of this Waiting classic know this is a song of hope, eternal hope that as each day rises, the possibilities of living to God’s word is strong. It never ends that way but the importance is the promise, for the promise is what fuels our hope and our ability to look forward to the tomorrows in our life. Live for today and have faith that God will be there for us tomorrow.


