Perez at AIS
Santiago Perez J R
This is:
This site is for the use of my students at
telephone 1 (787) 792-7610
Building # 74 Fort Buchanan Puerto Rico 00934
This is a Microsoft Excel Window.
Lets learn about some of the parts of this Program.
Title Bar
Main Menu Toolbar
Standard Toolbar
Formatting Toolbar
Name Box & Edit Formula
Scroll bar
Tab scroll buttons &
Sheet tabs
Status bar
The Window Title Bar has
Control Icons
Restore, changes the view back to a
Move, allows you to move a Window
Size, allows you to change the size of a Window
Minimize, changes the Window to a button on the Taskbar
Maximize, changes the view to fill the screen
Close, ends the program
Main Menu or Worksheet Menu Bar
This menu has many commands you may be familiar with.
Standard Toolbar, the little white
arrow allows you to add or remove icons.
This menu has many commands you may be familiar with.
Some of these icons (commands) you will use many times, some you may not use.
Formatting Toolbar, changes the way
text looks.
Each one of these toolbars can take whole class to just mention what they do.
Lets get into some specifics about Microsoft Excel.
Name Box
now it says A1 (this is a Cell)
This box gives the name of the cell or picture you are on (have selected).
Edit Formula
What ever you write in a cell can be seen here.
You can type in this area or you can type directly in a cell.
Excel is divided into Worksheets, Tabs and Cells.
Worksheet area
The entire worksheet and all its elements, including:
cells, gridlines, row and column headings, scroll bars, and sheet tabs.
A Worksheet is like a notebook.
A Tab is like a page.
A Cell is the smallest area you can in type.
The gridlines make up the rectangles you see on the worksheet.
Status bar
The bar near the bottom of the screen that displays information about a selected command or an operation in progress. The right side of the status bar shows whether keys such as CAPS LOCK, SCROLL LOCK, or NUM LOCK are turned on. Click Status Bar on the View menu to display or hide the status bar.
Cell stack one underneath the other is a Column.
Letters name columns (heading).
This is column A
Here we have three columns
A, B and C
next to each other is a Row.
Numbers name rows (heading).
we have three rows.
1, 2 and 3
A Cell is named by a column and a
Notice, the Name Box now says B5
look at cell B5, it has a black bold rectangle around it.
A Handle (a small square on the bottom right) is visible.
The mouse pointer will change if it is on this handle.
Name the cell in this window.
What is the name of the:
red cell?
orange cell?
yellow cell?
green cell?
blue cell?
indigo cell?
violet cell?