All you ever wanted to know about being blind

Well if your hear you are probably blind or interested about blind people or else you just clicked here on accident But you should stay anyway. Here I would like to inform people about being blind and visually impaired, and the stereotypes, problems and triumphs that go along with it. NOTE: When I say "blind" I mean blind and visually impaired it is just shorter.

Most people have had little or no contact with blind people except for the ocassional beggar on the street. This can cause people to have a false impression of what blind people are really like.

    There are two commonly held misconceptions about blind people and there hearing. The most popular is that blind people have super hearing to subsidise their sight, but this is not the case. Blind people just use their ears more they are more atuned. If you use your ears more they will be more sensative. The scond misconseption is exactly the opposite. Believe it or not many people asume that if a blind person can't see they can't hear either. This is we can hear perfectly fine.