You wake up lost and disillusioned in the middle of an alley. Your body aches and you have a horrible hangover. "Where am I? "What happend?" You try to scan your memory of the previous night, but for some reason all you can think of is penguins and a short fat troll named Margrett. "Uh I need some coffee," you think to yourself as you lay their examining the brick patern on the wall next to you. You try to scan your memory again; maybe now that you are awake it wil work better. You remember going into the Galactic bar. You listened to some music played a couple of videogames. You had a beer. No wait two beers or was it ten. What ever thats not important. Then-uh-then-then you-you met a girl and and "OH GOD NO!!! NOOO!!! I didn't. I DID! NO!!! I need a beer."
