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Jaxx Show Review

What a night. It took me 5 hours to drive to VA from NJ and it was raining bad. But I got there around 3 pm. As soon as I pulled into the Jaxx parking lot, my girlfriend(not an Europe fan) told me hey isn't that them??? I parked my car halfway, left my door wide open and ran up behind them. It was Joey and Mic walking towards Seven Eleven(convinient store for those oversea). I just said "Hey guys. I drove all the way from NJ. Joey responded "cool". By this time I was shaking literally and i babbled out "I am very nervous right now" and Joey's response was "It's ok don't worry about it". And we parted. After this I went back to my car and just sat there shaking and in shock and thinking hmmm I freaked them out. They guys seemed VERY tall. I am 5'9" They must have been like 6'2". While sitting in the car for a while Joey and Mic was walking about and kinda looked into my car and I tried to avoid eye contact as he might think I was a phsycho. After a few minutes I seen Ian walking into a restaurant with tour manager Daniel. I didn't want to walk up to him and embarrass myself since I wasn't in a shape to talk. Trying to kill time we went into the restaurant and had lunch and studied for our finals. Then around 5 pm Nordic Storm showed up. I got to meet many of the members and they all seemed extremely friendly and I thought we all got along very well. Then we all went outside and Anna from Nordic Storm brought out her Europe Album. Wow what a great collection of photos, newspaper clippings etc. I went back to my car to get my LP of "out of this world premeire" the one with instumental beds. And I looked towards Jaxx and it was the lunatic behind the white drums, Ian. I grabbed my LP and ran back and before I could say anything Ian turned back and said hi and reached out to shake my hand. First few questions he asked me I don'tn remember because I was in shock. But then I came to my sense and started talking to him. I asked how he like the states, answer was it's great, good to be back. He then pointed at my LP and he said "That's a rare one, How did you get that one?" My answer was ebay. I asked him about the XBOX video game Project Gotham Racing and his radio show being on it. And he explained yes while you drive in Sweden you can turn on to my show. After awhile Ian went back inside, saying I will see you guys in a few. Daniel I beleive he is the tour manager came out and told us Leven is missing and everything else is getting pushed back so we will have to wait a few for our Meet and Greet but he promised it will happen and we will meet all 5 members. He also informed that the band will also have to eat before the meet and greet. I asked him if I could bring in my guitar to have it signed and he said of course. So I ran out grabbed my guitar and so glad I brought it for just in case. All together I had 4 Items. Jackson JS20 guitar, OOTW World Premiere, 1982-1992, Rock the Night Best of cd. Finally we were ready to go and meet the group. By the way I got to go to Meet and Greet through Nordic Storm. Angela, the webmaster organized the whole thing. Back to Jaxx, Leven was still missing and the word was that he got lost on his way to the show and he took the wrong exit. For those overseas making a wrong turn in the US is like going to through hell. But we went inside and the guys were there. Daniel told us don't be shy guys, go up get your stuff signed take pictures. Europe looked like out of this world. They looked so different from any other people. I am not gay or anything but these guys looked beautiful man. Their looks were pure rock stars. They look so much better in real life than picture. But anyways I got all my stuff signed. Joey and Norum were sitting at the bar stool signing stuff. Ian was walking around the whole room filming people. Mic was by a table signing stuff as well. As I walked up to Norum to get autograph on OOTWWP LP, I apologized saying I know this isn't your album but would you mind signing it. He seemed awesomely cool about it. He said "Don't even worry about it. Kee and I are very good friends. Kee is a great guitar player". After about getting 3 or 4 signatures alltogether I lost my marker and shaking and ah can't even explain it. But I managed to borrow marker from others and get all my stuff signed. As Ian was signing my guitar the white permanent marker kinda leaked on his hand. I felt bad about it and I hope was able to get it off :-( So sorry Ian. Leven was still missing and Daniel approached me and told me "I promise I will get Leven to sign it" I thought the was just the coolest thing anyone could do. And all of a sudden Leven walks in and everyone screamed. Leven signed all my stuff. My girlfriend fell in love with Leven lol. Leven asked my girlfriend to take a picture for him with someone. I went back to Joey and Norum to get my cd covers signed and taking a picture with both, and as I looked up Ian's camcorder was right on my face. OMG!!!!!!!!!! He asked "Hello young man, so long have you been an Europe fan". My response was I was in diapers well since I was six." He laughed. As he was signed my OOTWWP he again mentioned how rare it was. Leven said it as well. As I was taking picture I don't even remember who put their arms on my shoulder but I know I didn't put my arms on anyone's shoulders although I should have. Joey and Norum left the room first, we thanked them a lot. Ian stuck around the longest and this dude was so friendly. A few people took picture with the guitar I can't wait til I get their pictures because I didn't take any picture of the guitar yet. Afterwards I ran back into my car to put my guitar back, also came back out in middle to the show to check my car to make sure no one broke in to my car and stole my autographed guitar. After all people on line were staring at me as I was running back to my car with my guitar. Show time!!!!! I was surprised to see the show room was VERY small and thought Europe deserves SO much better, but in a way it was a very intimate show. Before the first band open I thanked Daniel personally for letting us all back stage and being this nice to us. Because honestly he was treating us with so much respect and with such a friendly attitude. First opening band played a few covers. Second opening band started playing and apprently the Bass Player was hot. All the girls were going nuts over him. Although he did look a little like Norum from the earlier days, it seemed that way to me anyway. Now it was time for Europe. I stood with Nordic Storms Anna, Donna, Dee and Angela towards the left side of the stage, right infront of Mic and Leven. The set list was same as all other US shows. The guys were amazing. They gave it all. They were playing like they were playing infront to 100000 people. They were all so great. Watching Norum play guitar just melted me away. He played with sooo much emotion and feelings. And to those who said Norum can't pull of Kee's solos I have no clue what you are talking about. Norum played every single Kee solo Perfect not missing a note. I am not going to get into that much details about the show because it was just like the other explained, Amazing. I was screaming and singing along EVERY single song. I have never been to a show where I sang along every single show. When Hero was being played I was so emotional. I felt that Europe wrote this about Thin Lizzy. Europe felt the same way about Thin Lizzy as I feel about Europe and here were my heros playing a song they wrote about their heroes right infront of me. It was just very emotional for me. Everyone pointed towards the band while the chorus started. One other thing that wasn't mentioned any of the other reviews is that The Final Countdown intro wasn't played live. It was just the album version playing while the guys stood there. But after that intro it band played the whole song. I guess they wanted the song to sound JUST LIKE the album. Don't get the wrong idea, no Ashley Simpson crap here. lol. As the show was ending Leven threw his guitar pick and it landed on my girlfriend face and then the floor. She picked it up and gave it to me of course. What a day. First my autographed guitar then a pick to go with it? The pick didn't say Europe or anything, it was just a regular pick. But how awesome.

After the show I said bye to everyone of Nordic Storm and left right away since I had a 5 hour drive ahead of us and it was around 1 am. Now I lost my voice, my neck hurts and still 4 more Europe shows left for me to go. The reality is kicking in now. Yesterday I just couldn't beleive it was all happened and seemed like a dream but today as I look at my guitar, signed cds and LP I am like wow I accomplished one of my dreams.

In the end I just want to say thank you to the band members for coming to US. Although in Europe they could be playing arenas 15 times bigger, the band came here anyone and I beleive they did it just for their fans and not the money. What a great group musically and personally. I can't wait until tomorrow night at BB King. Also I wanted to thank all the Nordic Storm folks. You guys were awesome and I have never met a nicer bunch of people than you guys. Thanks again for giving me the chance to experience this meet and greet. I hope we can do this again sometimes. You guys rock. Also Daniel if you are reading this thanks so much dude!!!!! You are awesome. And here is suggestion to those who aren't going to the shows, I know it's hard but if there is someway find that way to go. If you are broke like me, borrow if possible and go. It will be a life time experience you will NEVER EVER forget. Trust me.

Oh yes I do have a few pictures. Here Ya Go.
