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August 6th, 2009 - I added chords for Last Look At Eden. Click Here to check it out.

June 13th, 2005 - I added my interview with Joey Tempest. Click Here to check it out.

June 29th, 2005 - Added the chords for The King Will Return Acoustic on the Tabs section.

May 7th, 2005 - Check the Tour section for review by me of American show. You can also find picture through that page.

January 26th, 2005 - Added the tab for Ninja in the Tabs section.

December 30th, 2004 - Added the tab for Wake Up Call in the Tabs section. The tab isn't accurate but it sounds right to my ears. So I hope it sounds good to you as well. Let me know what you think. I am working on "Hero" and the solo for "Wake Up Call". Wish me luck.

August 11th, 2004 - Added two of my own guitar solo recording in the the Fun Stuffs page. The new solos include Superstitious Solo and Aphasia...the whole song, recorded with a few friends using synth, drums, bass and of course guitar. I am on guitar ;-)

April 29th, 2004 - Added a page with Europe show details in the Tour Section. Keep checking that page for more updates in the future.

April 29th, 2004 - Added the Tab for Seven Doors Hotel in the tab. page.

Ferbruary 26th, 2004 - Added the Tracklist for the new Europe CD in the discography section. Also Another Tour Date. Now you can read News Letters in the News Letter Section.

October 9th, 2003 - Added the solo for Carrie recorded by me in the Fan Galary.

October 9th, 2003 - Updated the News section. Big Story!!! BIG STORY!!! BIG BIG STORY!!!

June 25th, 2003 - Added a Europe Guitar Solo in the Fun Stuff section. Click on Real Guitar Sound.

November 4th, 2002 - Added lyrics for Joey Tempest's new album on the Joey Tempest page.

Octorber 31st, 2002 - Information on Joey tempest's new album is added on the News section.

April 28th, 2001 - Added lyrics for Joey's new album on the Joey Tempest section.

April 28th, 2001 - Added a new graphic in the Fan Galary.

May 7th, 2001 - Added the Acoustic Tab for I'll Cry For You.

October 5th, 2000 - Added a search engine on the Main Page.

September 29th, 2000 - Added Bass Tab for In The Future To Come.

September 12th, 2000 - Added a quiz on the Fun Section.

September 6th, 2000 - Added Bass Tab for Superstitious on the Tab Page.

August 31st, 2000 - Added Bass Tabs for Danger On The Track and Rock The Night on the Tab Page.

March 26th, 2000 - Rock The Night Solo added on the Tab Page.

March 21st, 2000 - Kee Marcello's version of Open Your Heart Solo added on the Tab Page.

March 18th, 2000 - Added Piano Music Sheet for Carrie in the Tab Page.

March 16th, 2000 - Added the solo for Open Your Heart, John Norum's version.

March 11th, 2000 - Added a new version for Carrie Solo.

January 23rd, 2000 - Added Piano Music for Time Has Come in the Tab Page. Enjoy!!!

January 8th, 2000 - Added Piano Music for Cherokee in the Tab Page.

January 7th, 2000 - Added Piano Music for The Final Countdown in theTab Page, more on the way.

November 24th, 1999 - Some new news and also check out the new Trade Page.

October 21st, 1999 - Added a Message Board.

October 20th, 1999 - Added a new section called "News". Check it out.

October 19th, 1999 - Added Solo pages for Joey and Kee.

October 18th, 1999 - I am adding many new links. Please be patient =)

October 1st, 1999 - Added 2 new pictures of Joey and 1 new one of Ian.

September 30th, 1999 - Added the correct version of the Solo for The Final Countdown.

August 5th, 1999 - Added the tab for I'll Cry For You Bass Tab.

July 17th, 1999 - Added the tab for I'll Cry For You.

July 14th, 1999 - Finally added something on the Download Page.

June 13th, 1999 - New drawing of Joey on the Fan Galary.

June 9th, 1999 - Finally I put something up on the Fan Galary. =)

June 6th, 1999 - Added the tab for Aphasia on theTab Page. Lots more on the way.

June 3rd, 1999 - Added the tab for Girl From Lebanon on the Tab Page.

May 28th, 1999 - Now you can vote for Best Europe Song on the Voting Page.

May 22nd, 1999 - Added the bass tab for All Or Nothing on the Tab Page.

May 1st, 1999 - Added samples on Samples Page. More on the way.

April 8th, 1999 - Added Mailing Lists in Mailing Lists Page.

April 1st, 1999 - Added the solo for Let The Good Times Rock on the Tab Page.

March 31th, 1999 - Added the solo for Carrie. More on the way. =)

March 21th, 1999 - Now you can vote for Best Europe Album in the Voting Page.

March 16th, 1999 - Added the whole tab for Prisoners In Paradise. Including the SOLO!!!

March 16th, 1999 - Added tab for Carrie on the Tab Page.

March 8th, 1999 - Got some new pictures of the band members.

March 5th, 1999 - Just added John Norum's tour list. Check it out in the Tour Dates Page.
