a band from urbana il.There one of my fav.bandsther
are so cute!!! check out my review on them @
adoring fans, This on-line zine
will keep you reading,props to her.... |
BRA!D @ http://www.prairienet.org/braid/ click here to listen |
taken @ brownies ny
*CITIZEN FISH* These guys consider
themselves for lack of a
better term,a ska-punk-raggae band.
*They always make me dance*..there line up
one singer,a guitarist,bassist and a brass
FISH @ http://burn.ucsd.edu/citizenfish.html> click here to
listen |
in front of there van
incubus Some
people say science just isn't fun. They see it as
dissecting a frog, determining the theory
of relativity, or having
to share your microscope with the
geek who invests in pocket protectors. "Our
album is called S.C.I.E.N.C.E. because
we were able to experiment,"
incubus @ http://www.epiccenter.com/Epic
click here to listen |
*knapsack* ` Since
knapsack’s inception in 1993 they have
worked hard to solidify their place in the music
scene. During their time together they have
helped establish a new genre of music and
influenced a group of younger bands that have
recently gained attention. Nevertheless, even
while beingtagged “Emo-Core”
they have always been a outside of the boundaries
of the Emo sound and have many other influences
to their music.
*its too bad they broke up.=(*
here to listen to KNAPSACK
http://www.pacificnet.net/~kevhayn/knapsack/ |
*Underbelly* Underbelly
consists of one man ,a guitar,bass,organ and a 6
of guiness.if you pass up this guy there is
something wrong with you.
here to listen to Underbelly
https://www.angelfire.com/on2/Underbelly/ |
a man and his