date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998

"I have a page with angelfire, and I love angelfire. But I'll have to admit, my patience is getting spread thin. I don't like other free web page places because they are slow and more error/fault filled than I ever thought a place could be. ..."

date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 

I am still new to the internet, and home pages, but to date, I have had no problems with Angelfire. I have no filth on my sight, and find them very adaquate for my present needs.

date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 

5 reasons why you are right 1. Unlike other servers angelfire gives unlimited space by allowing 5mb per email address! 2. Angelfire is 10 times faster than others. 3. There are no pop up banners 4. There are no adverts 5. they have given me 25mb of space