date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 

People who complain about things that are *free* are the biggest retards ever. I was going to make a similar page like this, I have it almost done, but then I see that I dont have to, someone already has so I will just put a link from my page to here. I agree with everything that is said here. I just wanted to say also that having backup to your pages from Angelfire or wherever is just common sense, if you do not have backup then you are just looking to have all your stuff lost, I keep real good backup to everything. All you who lost pages from Angelfire and are mad and blaming everyone but yourselves are retards, you should have had backup to everything, it is just common sense. People who blame Angelfire should be blaming themselves.

date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 

You asked us to tell you why 11MB might not be enough space. Well, a lot of content is visual; even storing pictures efficiently only saves you so much space. It's entirely feasible that someone might have lots of pictures and even some sound and movies to back up a large amount of rich textual content and need more than 11MB. Remember Bill Gates' famous words in the early PC days: "640k ought to be enough for anybody" (too lazy to cite source).