MBs Offered: 100
Fortunecity is a free web space community where you can move into a "home" and receive up to 500mb of free web space and a free email address.

You can build a website using their easy Site Building tools, upload your site files using our File Manager or FTP Server, download the easy-to-use Trellix Offline Web Site Builder, and create a Photo Album online and share your pictures with family and friends. Fortunecity city is split into 20 themed districts. You have the choice of using their home builder, and you can upload your own files and graphics using their file manager or FTP.

Each page that you create will have an advertising banner automatically inserted into it. I signed up for the service and found the editor very obstructive.. but hey, thats a matter of opinion. I really don't know enough about the service to rate it well.

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