MBs Offered: 16
Homestead is truly a unique homepaging tool. Many sites offer templates for you to choose from. You are told something along the lines of "add text for this area here". While it reduces the knowledge of having to know what it is you're doing, you still have to do it manually. Homestead not only provides multiple editors, but also a java and downloadable version of it's tool that is totally click and drag. Useful if you never want to have to deal with HTML and other programming languages. Allotment of 12 MBs.

With Homestead, there's no complicated programming to learn. It's 3 simple steps: Pick a ready-to-customize pre-built page or start with a blank page. Personalize it—and add features that make it your own. Offers hundreds of ready-to-customize templates. The interface is totally WYSWYG (what you see is what you get). Excellent tool for someone who doesnt want go throught the process of learining html. Url in the form of ""

I have a cable internet connection, and it takes a significant amount of time to load the editor for me. When i accessed the page builder on a 56k modem, i noticed that the time it took to perform saving and other functions could be tedious due to load time for the interface. If you're 13, getting a homepage on Homestead is as easy as preforming your own root canal. In other words, DENIED! Also, the fact that the interface is WYSWYG, you miss out on the benefit that can be had by actually learing HTML. But that is just a matter of opinion.

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