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College Quotes 2000 - 2001

"Kerry's the marker bitch." ~Melissa

"B.Y.O.P.S" ~Jamie

"I like a brisk room. It's not my fault none of you can handle a brisk room." ~Jamie

"I'm Sumur, I can do that." ~Sumur

"What's mine is mine is mine is mine. And what's yours is mine, too." ~Marlyse

"Oh, Lord, I am gonna pray for you." ~Marlyse

"The more men, the merrier." "Marlyse is a whore!" ~Marlyse and Colleen

"I have a dramatic flair." ~Adraine

"Get out of my computer!" "Get out of your computer? How does one get into your computer?" ~Melissa and Jamie

"Kerry, do you ever use your zip drive?" "No, I thought it was some kind of answering machine at first." ~Melissa and Kerry

"I watch Buffy. Thanks everyone." ~Melissa

You're nowhere near Jodie." ~Kerry (to Colleen)

"I am not addicted to cappucino...I like the foam." ~Marlyse

"Why don't you tell Black, I mean Blake..." ~Melissa

"No more pillow throwing! Why can't we all just fucking get along?!" ~Kerry

"I like rice." "Rice is good." "Happy Saturday night, guys." ~Kerry, Colleen, and Jamie

"Who draws the VCR in the TV?" "That's where the fuck it is, asshole!" "Well, where I come from, the VCR is separate from the TV." ~Melissa and Jamie

"School sucks..." "That's why we're only here for the drinking." ~Adriane and Colleen

"I want to watch Aladdin. Does anyone have Aladdin?" "I have the soundtrack." "Can we watch that on the TV?" ~Jamie and Colleen

"I don't smoke, but you kinda make me wanna start." ~Jamie

"You're not black." "Well, I'm black in this movie." ~Jamie and Melissa (on She's All That)

"Midgets! Yes!" ~Melissa

"You did get tan, Ker. Look at your little chest." "Shut up, Jamie, that's not nice." "I meant your neck." ~Jamie and Kerry

"Aw, shit! I'm probably gonna get warned now." ~Mel

"Yo, if she offers you food, don't eat it. Poison city, and she's the mayor." ~Jamie

"It was blinking. I thought I had messages." ~Kerry

"You know, the smartitude..." ~Marlyse

"I sound like a man." ~Meganlee

"I want to go down to the shit and get some shit." ~Sumur

"I'm like, vibrating." ~Melissa (after Ground Floor)

"If you're unattractive, the last thing you can afford to do is be mean." ~Robyn

"I'm just sitting on a brick wall, looking at some blonde girls." ~drunk guy on Main St.

"I'm not picky...much." ~Jamie

"By the end of the night I'll be having sex, and what will you be having? another abortion?"~Jamie (aka Baby) to Melissa (Penny)

"What line is that movie from, um, I mean..." ~Jamie

"You're a piece of my ass." ~Melissa

"My mom went to this thing today. You know, whatever they have in the spring for little non-Jewish kids." "You mean Communion?" "Yea, that's it." ~Jamie and Melissa

"Give it a day, maybe a day and a half, and I will be the tan wonder." ~Melissa

"Ooh, here comes the tan express." ~Melissa

"It doesn't matter who gets hurt as long as Colleen gets some." ~Melissa

"Sumur, I'm so fresh and so clean!" ~Adraine (after we finally got hot water)

"You don't go drink at a club with your boyfriend cuz then you can't hit on everyone." ~Colleen

"Kirkwood Highwood." ~Adriane

"They taste like hay!" "What kind of hay do you eat?" ~Mel and Adriane (on Frosted Mini Wheats)

"I was young and naive." ~Kerry

"Chipwiching it up." ~Mel

"Call me Jamie Ironhand." ~Jamie

"What was that?" "It was my microwave beeping." "Why did your microwave beep?" "It'll do that until I go get whatever I was cooking in it." "Oh. You know, that explains so much of what my microwave does." ~Colleen, Chrissy, and Dave

"Did you know that when a hippopotamus opens its mouth it can fit a four foot child inside?" ~Kerry

"Go home bird teacher - I've had enough!" ~Jamie and Kerry (to Colleen, from American Pie)

"You want some bread?, have some bread. And then this kid, I think his name was Jedi, he wanted me to have three babies with him. Three babies. I was like, here!? I think his name was Jedi. What would our kids be - like, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader? Sumur, you're an angel! Did anyone ever tell you you're an angel? Anyone want some bread?" ~Adriane

"This cheek got it worse." ~Kerry (on her sunburn)

"Thank you Colleen, my true friend." ~Kerry

"Cold Snow." ~Jamie's Econ Notebook

"Telepathy or bust." ~Jamie

"Do you want lemonade on your...sunburn?" ~Colleen (to Kerry)

"Are you Canadian?" ~Chrissy to Kerry

"Not my major, not my problem." ~Jamie

"Chrissy, why are you talking shit about us?" "We were talking about Brent and his boxers." ~Daga and Chrissy
