(All music and lyrics by Patrick Quilty/Mark Zipkin):


Song title Lyrics Demo mp3 version Real audio On CD
A Prayer Available Available   Available     Watr gun (demo)
Cry Alone Available Available Available     Available Munch
Do You Hear The Song? Available Available Available Available (demo version) Available Available Munch, Watr gun (demo)
Fear Available            
Fiction Avaiable            
Fluffy Music Available            
Happy Suicide Song Available            
It's Not Enough Available Available Available Available   Available Munch
I See You And Me Available Available   Available     Watr gun (demo)
Last Ride Into Town Available Available Available Available (demo version) Available Available Munch, Watr gun (demo)
Like Brothers Available     Available Available   Watr gun (demo)
Matters Available            
Morning Light Available Available Available Available (demo version) Available Available Watr gun (demo)
Opiate Available Available       Available  
Rain Available Available Available Available   Available Munch
Red Available Available Available   Available Available Munch, Watr gun (demo)
Say Goodbye Available   Available       Munch
Scorn Available Available   Available     Watr gun (demo)
Song For Kevin Available Available Available Available (demo version) Available Available Munch, Watr gun (demo)
Time Is For Tomorrow Available   Available Available     Munch
Train To The End Of Time Available Available Available Available (demo version) Available Available Munch, Watr gun (demo)
Tribal Sex Available Available Available Available Available Available Munch
UFO Available Available   Available (demo version) Available   Watr gun (demo)
What Do You See? Available Available Available Available (demo version) Available Available Munch, Watr gun (demo)
What Do You Want From Me? Available Available Available Available     Munch

A Prayer
Left by tides of suns
Youth in nature's blanket
A cry for life crawls in her heart
She extends her arms to give

Taken in among them
Sheltered from the demons
Surrounded by a world
Enclosed in mother's walls

Nursed from her breast
And in time develops
He is strong and alive within her
Body conquered in him
Symbiosis complete in age
Never to embrace the outside
To love only her
Which took him in

Watch her crumble and grow anew
Through the movements of the moon
But the cold spread farther
Tattered withered broken
Sister mother lover
Love still never quenched
The autumn of the soul

She takes him in again
Her body envelops the flesh
Fingers reaching out devouring
In her he lives again


Cry Alone
When you go away
I'll never question why
You feel you have to leave me behind
But before you go
I want to see you fly
I'll just close my eyes
A castaway of  time
What is it to be whole?
A child in the storm
Lost without you

. . .

You said you loved me once
But now you turn your back
You said I won't cry alone
We said forever once
I think about the past
I know those days are gone
I know now nothing can last

I heard you lie to me
I think I lied to me
These days I just cry alone
We're growing distant now
Though you're right next to me
We have nothing to say
There's nothing left to be

You said you loved me once
I know you meant it then
You said I won't cry
We said never once
Those things are in the past
And then you walked away
Sometimes those feelings last

Do You Hear The Song?
Cold and hard in day or night
Take the darkness or the light

Since the dawn of time we sang
Come to me the church bells rang

It is I who forged the sward
Destroyed the home and killed the hordes

Give you life and kept you warm
All the strength within the storm

Surround the gulf around your feet
Where the soul is mine to keep

Without me there is no life
I will cry the earth a knife

I am foot whose ground you bare
Whose skin you burn and do not care

You will answer to these three
They are all within me

He cracked his knuckles as he turned away from the whore
His wistful look had been something she couldn’t ignore
He wiped the blood from off his hands and onto his pants
He knew that no one in the world could wake from their trance

He walked back downstairs to the bar and ordered a beer
He smirked when some outsider boasted he killed a deer
As people began noticing that his pants were red
A woman ran downstairs and screamed "Lillian's dead."

The crowd now spun around to find the killer on hand
But this one knew the drill by now and flew on demand
And like a puff of smoke the killer just disappeared
Bartender shortly noticed two bits left for his beer

The posse saddled up and took the city by storm
But killer was not waiting to be grabbed by the horns
He didn't get to bury his new victim that day, but the
Smell under his house got to him anyway.

Rewards were offered, attention shoppers, a maniac's on the loose
Yet every plan run by this man have saved his caboose
And no one yet has caught the killer to this day
Which goes to show that no one knows with whom they lay

John sits writing a better world
Where fantasies live in word
While horrors happen everyday
He lives in his mind today.

The ink makes them breathe
They cry, and laugh and love and need
He forgets why he pens the tale
There's satisfaction in the sale.

"Her heart was torn out in that instant"
But his is hidden in the distance
Here John learns to moralize
He’s ignorant to his own lies

The epic rhyme was very deep
Into your mind it will seep
And help the reader forget too
What the world has put you through

In the dark he is so articulate
But in his heart he is desolate
Read and you will know good and sin
And maybe even grow to love him

The writer is omnipotent
From his hand is godsend
Fiction is nothing but, you see,
The author hiding from reality

Fluffy Music
Fluffy music is really fun
And it doesn't take to long
I know you'll like this song
Cause you can sing along

It doesn't have to make much sense,
but it should try to rhyme
And the lyrics don't matter at all,
just so long as the drummer can keep time

You can play it in a garage
Or have a number one hit
But it's not very original
So stop patting yourself on the back, YOU TIT!

You can improv over this,
No one would even notice
And just when it can't get ahy worse,
Take a break and whistle a verse

(Whistle a verse)

(This would sound better with some harmony . . . .)

So take a lesson from us, folks,
about how to write a song
Keep the chorus catchy,
and the verses not too long

(Don't forget the refrain!)

Happy Suicide Song
He sat in the dark with a knife in his hands
The moonlight glinting, showing the beauty of the sharpened silver blade
He imagined it all covered in blood
And his heart writhing in pain

No one would ever notice, he decided
No one would even care
So without a second thought, he thrust the
Gleaming blade into his pale chest and fell into the dirt.


The brown earth absorbed the pure red liquid
And it seemed to welcome it back home.

His blank eyes stared at this sight
And in one final breath, he uttered a laugh.

It's Not Enough
You say more, I say less
You say more is less is less
Than what you give a damn,
cry about it more I can.
Liars laugh, ridicule me
Prophets ask, "What do you see?"
You see a man who wants to know
For what does my hate show?

Ungrateful dreams of manmade sin
Your fucking gods won't let me in
inside fate lies a matchstick box
With a locked book and a clock
Take it, get away from
Take you love away from me
Me the one who wants to know
About what angels dare to show.

I want to know, I want to show,
Show me go, I want to know.
To know why there is nothing there
To thank me for what i bear
All these hours spent in pain
To wake and see it just the same
The same you bore me long ago
And I just want to know

I See You And Me
Star-crossed love against the world
Foolish youth wishing for love
At first sight the end is near
Fate, my love, has brought us here.

Teardrops fall from your eyes
Whispers exchange for our fears
Be it poison or a knife
For you, my love, I end my life

Last Ride Into Town
yeah you'd make love to your reflection
if you could
you walk with fake movie stars
in hollywood
but it's all your imagination
you're just walking around in a haze
yeah but you got your disciples
and a pack of cigarettes
and you keep livin' lies no matter how hard it gets
and you'll see me riding into town

yeah and what about those perverts
and their kiddy magazines
all wired up the ass
on their computer screens
I'd rather meet a killer
'cause at least i know what's going through his mind
or how about your politicians
stealing money all the time
talking lies justifying murder
they'll Know their time is come
When they see me riding into town

what about you Mr. Normal
blue or white collar clothes
when you get drunk and hit your wife
think I don't know?
what about your children
i know what they're going through
but you're just trying to make a living
in this rat race we go through
if i offered you salvation
would you hate me too?
When you see me riding into town

Yeah it doesn't matter which one
pulls the trigger now
anyone who talks peace and love
always gets cut down
would you blame it on some devil
or ask your false god why
jealousy kills so blame yourselves
you hate those better than you
so when you see me coming
down the avenue
it will be my last ride into town

Like Brothers
A train went past my window
It made me think of that kid
And how fucked up he must have been
And that made me think if it were
This love, yet I'm closer to tears then
I can remember
I think of our days in the sun
I think of you, high that night

I think of our "females" discussions
I think of you driving home buzzed that night
I think of all our good times
I think of you on the tracks
And now I think of us facing new paths
Not so much distance between us as
Distance of our minds
I see myself on a road to somewhere

I'm not sure where it's going
but I know it's going
I see you on the train tracks
I can't cry anymore.
I don't remember the last time I cried
But for a brief moment, my heart seized
Like someone I loved died.
Like someone I loved died.

I've lost loves before, had unreturned crushes, but
My heart was never broken like it was just then.
The next time you down your poison of choice
I hope you think of me, and you, walking down the tracks together
Like brothers.

I don't know know what is real
I don't know how to feel
I'll sing those cliche lines
And claim these thoughts as mine

I'm just looking for something new
Looking in the mirror I'm sick of you
I just want to be someone else
That matters.

Tell me you're for real
That this is how love feels
Then I can do without it
Sick of your crazy shit.

I'm just looking for something new
Looking in the mirror I'm sick of you
I just want to be someone else
That matters.

You don't know me
I don't know me
I threw it all away.

I'm just looking for something new
Looking in the mirror I'm sick of you
I just want to be someone else
That matters.

As you start to get old
Your causes start to grow mold
Find yourself when you are young
Or lose the words on your tongue.

I'm just looking for something new
Looking in the mirror I'm sick of you
I just want to be someone else
That matters.

Morning Light
A dandelion opens slowly to embrace the light of day
Its core is rotted to the roots it will not live today
The artist goes to paint the dark with false illusions of wrong and right
He does not know his universe will perish every night

The old man does not want to wake for he was young and strong
he saw his wife, so beautiful and she said, "it won't be long"
The stark reality of happiness is its own passing existence
The shallow sky ponders every man's persistence

The chiseled silhouettes of mountains return to astral dust
The glory of the moment soon gathers rust
The writhing pain of their advance is stopped in its tracks
The billions learn that truth is hidden on their backs

God's broken arm mends itself and hands out our just due
Romeo and Juliet are born but they lose to the day too
Vision keeps us alive with even horror in our nights
We choose it willingly rather than face the morning light

Years of bitterness have left me cold as stone
The morning light robs me of what I think I have is gone
An instant later it is forgotten, and I see the All of it
The cosmos breathing morning light and I am a part of it

Make me forget why I am so sad
Tell me what's right and wrong, teach me good and bad
I won't question you, I won't ask why
I'll be your blind fool 'till the day that I die

No need to watch the news tonight
There's no one out there causing fright
The tragedy last week means nothing to me
But I know the tribute song they played on TV

Kill babies kill doctors you're right
Wage war we'll win with your might
Nothing's like righteous genocide
Except for, maybe, mass suicide.

There's something wrong with a world
that could spawn so much hate within
A bleak and hopeless spiral
Where even love feels like sin,
Where people know next to nothing
about the world they perceive
And thus there's nothing out there
to even help us grieve.

I once cried tears of joy
but now it's only tears of pain
And now it seems all compassion in the world
is a war waged against the sane
Offer your soul to another
and it's bound to end up in pain
Why bother searching for shelter
when there's nothing out there but the rain.

I find no solace from the angels
who give the first minutes free
But in a world diametrically opposed
Who's to say if they're them or they are me
Each question ends with a bullet
answered with more bloodshed
Why bother asking who's right or wrong
before you know it you're dead.

Red. The color of the sun as it says goodbye to the cold, cruel earth, unthanked for the light, the heat, the very life force it provided.
Red. The color of the fluid now emptying from my body. By the quart, the gallon, the liquid life falls from my clenched stomach like it were following a trail off a cliff.
Red. The color of the flames from the bowels of hell's vengeance, engulfing its horrified victims and encompassing everything evil that passes from this world.
Red. The color of the magma that boils from the angry depths to wreak havoc on the weakling creatures who inhabit the surface of a desolate planet.
Red was the color of your eyes.

Say Goodbye
If I died today
Would anyone care
would those I love notice I wasn't there
life's feeling kinda strange
I don't think its fair
I'd stay forever if you only cared

Why do I stand here everyday
Staring into your eyes
Knowing that you don't care
Makes me want to cry
Yet no tears fall, I cannot feel
My life is too shrouded in pain
I can't even say "I love you"
Because I'll die of shame

If there's a reason
Someone tell me why
If no one's out there does it matter if I die
Does this song have a meaning
or am I just a lie
no reason to stay here
so I'll just say goodbye

leaving now for a different plane
going off to die
fade away forever
and I don't have time to say goodbye

I like to play with my skull
I believe it makes me a smart guy
I believe you're full of crap - MY crap
I believe you never ask why
I like living in the misty mystic mystery
I think it's good and warm
I know you're in the swarm
You're buzzing round, and burning my scorn

If ever you have seen a foot
I believe you run amuck
I know that you're out of luck
Didn't think you'd give a fuck
I believe that you can't cope
I believe you a cornucopia
Still it seems you're on the go
You're in the show I think you know,
That I, I'm a reddish scorpion

I believe you're on the run
I believe you've gone awry
I believe you've lost your marbles
I know you are in the sky
I know you are in the sky
I know you are in the sun
Sky, I meant sky, I
I really did you know that I
I believe you know that I
That I belong me in the sky

Song for Kevin
I was writing this song today
But so much can't be said with words
Like what do you say to friends?
What do you say to parents and brothers

Goodbye, goodbye
I'll just save goodbye
If tears could do justice
Perhaps I'd cry
Say goodbye
No use wondering why

I think of a mother's tears
I think of a couple of beers
I think of a life in jail
I think of a heart impaled
If there's a lesson that we should learn
For the love of god, learn it before you burn it

I'll just save goodbye
If tears could do justice
Perhaps I'd cry
Say goodbye
No use wondering why he wasn't dry

Time Is For Tommorrow
Time is for tommorrow
It doesn't matter what we do today
There's a new society
And I need you to show me the way

Roll away, to the sea
That which makes me be
Whole again, you walk by the shore
With scarlet angels
Cutting you down no more

Time is for tommorrow
It doesn't matter what we do today
There's a new society
And I need you to show me the way

Vision can't see through the fog
Of dying souls singing faded praise
They scream "freedom"
I want it gone
All i need is there for free

Time is for tommorrow
It doesn't matter what we do today
There's a new society
And I need you to show me the way

Does it know somthing i cannot
Is wisdom floating out there endlessly
Doesn't matter what it is
Only what colors
Come to see

Time is for tommorrow
It doesn't matter what we do today
There's a new society
And I need you to show me the way

Fantasy, the end of a song
Taking bribes from the man inside of me
Insanity it bears witness
To my eyes burning
Jealous at the sea

Time is for tommorrow
It doesn't matter what we do today
There's a new society
And I need you to show me the way

Train To The End Of Time
Last night I stood alone over an empty sink
It got kinda lonely but it gave me some time to think
There's a knock on the door and there's some kid saying he's a son of mine
I'm going nowhere on a train to the end of time

Well my old swing set is rusted, and my old bench is broke
I just got over whisky, so I turned to coke
Well, I'm not even twenty, I guess that's a bad sign
That I'm going nowhere on a train to the end of time

Think I heard this song before, it's some Bobby Dylan tune
I ain't fuckin' Mozart, and I won't pack a room
I'm gonna find me a woman, Go out and make her mine
Yeah, right. I'm going nowhere. On a train to the end of time

Tribal Sex
Drop this time, feel so bad
It'll make me strong within
Inhibitions gone, feeling great,
All I gotta do is take it in.

Hey, what you doing here
at this music scene?
Come here girl, gonna make you sweat
Pretty baby gonna make you scream

Take you to this place I know
Wind blow through your hair
Take you down, rock you tonight,
Girl, let me take you there.

I want to make you all mine
every night and every day
Want to show you all my love
pretty baby, come my way

My eyes are bloodshot red
Don't take me back to reality,
Don't leave me here


I was walking through the field today
When I noticed that the sky was gray
And it was snowing
My undies were showing

Then I noticed, suddenly, a light
Shined before me, then a beam of white
Slowly engulfed me
I felt a pull up, and a

Six months later, I was on Montel
Geraldo called and he wanted me to tell
Him the whole story
Springer promised me glory

Two months further, and my friends returned
They yelled at me, cried that they'd been burned
That I had screwed them
They brought me back up, another

What Do You See?

What do you see?

Have you seen your world turning?
Your race is void of learning
The truth is there before your eyes
Buried beneath your elders lies

All is you with its limits
You exist only within it
Air and light, the true spirit
Everything is life

What do you see?

Government you make is breathing
The world you break is needing
We are All one existence
One true mind, one consistence

All is you with its limits
You exist only within it
Air and light, the true spirit
Everything is life

What do you see?

Feel the everything inside you
All has been there nothing new
Accept your universal being
For the first time you are seeing

All is you with its limits
You exist only within it
Air and light, the true spirit
Everything is life

What do you see?

The universe is you
Open yourself and be All

What Do You Want From Me?
Sitting alone, what is home,
spouting your philosophies
Don't know what it means to you,
but it means nothing to me
Nothing lasts, everything past
sounds the same to me.

You never stop bringing me down
what does it do for you?
I'm going out again tonight
so what are you gonna do?
Don't want to hear your shit no more,
I'll do what I want to.

Everything we had is gone,
got nothing left to lose
Now it's come down to this,
it's time for you to choose
If you and I are just a joke,
Why do I stay with you?

Solo verse

All music, lyrics, photos, and materials (c)Forty-Two, 1996-1999.