This is a test of the emergency web page system. Should this have been a real emergency, you would've been wasting your time downloading this whole damn page while an axe-murderer -- with an axe -- was sharpening his blade and grinning -- yes grinning, a healthy grin at that -- and there would be something in his teeth. AND YOU WOULDN'T KNOW, and you couldn't warn him in time, and as he ground you to a bloody pulp, you'd have to stare at the CABBAGE LODGED BETWEEN HIS TEETH. EWWWWWWWWW.


If you're MANly and you know it, shave your back.
If you're WOMANly and you know it, shave my back.

Who's your favorite Forty-Two-man?:

Age(more than one possible answer):

Favorite Music:

What do you smell like?:

What can you make out of a lobster and a stick?:

What is your favorite song by Forty-Two?:

If you could be any animal in the world, would you be omnipotent?:

What would you like to see more of in Forty-Two?

GO HOME. GO HOME, NOBODY LIKES YOU. Or at least listen to all the songs you didn't recognize from that list before.