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Favorite Freshman Player?

Brian Bonner-ss, 2b, Thr: Right, Bat: Right Bonner has definitely shown improvement in hitting from last year. Good contact hitter and has the ability to hit it out of the little league field. Very good sliding/diving skills.

Matt Austin-cf, Thr: Right, Bat: Right Perhaps the fastest player on the team, can get to any ball in the outfield. Beats out ground balls and bunts regularly with this speed. Also has tremendous opposite field power.

Brian Turley-1b, Thr: Right, Bat: Right A giant at the plate, Brian Turley can hit the ball forever. He is the clean-up hitter for the Pitman squad, picking up lots of RBIs. Moves well for a big fella. Also brings luck to the team with his toy rabbit.

Cale Shoemaker-P, ss, 3b, Thr: Right, Bat: Right The splendid splinter(Ted Williams)/ Mr. Clutch is sharing time with the Varsity team but is the ace of our staff. His skinny frame does have some power though. I think it's coming from his corked $500 bat?

Dan Killeen-c, Thr: Right, Bats: Both One of the very few people in high school baseball who can switch hit. From the left side of the plate he has amazing power. He has been compared Mickey Mantle by sports writers all over the world.

John Kogut-c lf, Thr: Right, Bats: Right John Kogut, a free agent, is a white Roberto Clemente. In the outfield he throws out runners trying to stretch out doubles and triples. Hitting he combines power with average.

Mike Stone-2b, rf, Thr: Right, Bats: Right Now, Dan Killeen can switch hit, Ben Gray can switch throw, but Mike Stone can switch run. That’s right he can run left-footed and right-footed. This feat helps him steal bases at ease.

John Vanderslice-lf rf, Thr: Right, Bats: Right Johnboy Vanderslice never ceases to amaze this team with his catches in the outfield. His fully out-stretched one-handed grabs save runs and steal hits. Hitters seem to hit away from him because they know if they hit it to him, there out.

Frank Redrow-p ss, Thr: Right, Bats: Right Shank is the most rounded player on the team.(get it rounded?) He is the ace of the staff even though he hasn't pitched much. When he is not pitching he is playing a very good shortstop, and bats in the three spot.

Rob Zebrowski-c, Thr: Right, Bats: Right Rob Zebrowski, under the teaching of Coach Jules, has become one of the best line drive hitters in the game. Also, behind the plate he has a cannon, he has thrown out 31 of 33 base runners.

Ben Gray-2b, Thr: Both, Bats: Left As you know Dan Killeen can switch hit, but Ben Gray is probably the only man alive who can switch throw. This gift of his helps him get balls hit up the middle and make quick flips to the shortstop for some spectacular double plays.

Jack Abel-P, 3b, Thr: Right, Bats: Right Another product of Coach Jules, Abel has become one of the premier junk-ball pitchers in the league. His knuckleball, curveball, slider, compliment his 80 mph fastball that keeps the batters too off balance to hit him.

Ryan McCleery-3b p, Thr: Right, Bats: Right McCleery playing the hot corner, obviously has cat-like reflexes. He reminds me of the young Brooks Robinson, combining gold gloves, and batting titles. He also has an amazing on base % of 1.000.

Matt Myers-cf lf, Thr: Right, Bats: Right Matt Myers is a menace on the basepaths. He is so good at stealing bases, when he gets on first, the other team just says, go to third, becuase he will be there in two pitches anyway.

Coach Rettig Coach has been around baseball his whole life. Back in the 60's he never missed a ball, or struck out. It's because the 60's was the decade of hope. Coach also enjoys lifting weights, and teaching health class.

Coach Reichart Son of Mrs. Reichart in the guidance office, he has been a very helpful assistant coach this year. Of all the coaches I have been experienced with, he hits the best groundballs. Coach also works right here in PHS.

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Brian Bonner