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Red..this homepage is dedicated to you with love from your friend and sis..Weeza (Kat) with the help of a dear friend..Dilli and one you and I both know...Bill! Another friend of mine~~Tone~~ wrote a poem that I asked him to..that is "us". And the Dream ~Girlz and others have sent in their gifts and best wishes for you on your Wedding Day!! So, when you are on your Tiger's Paw Page..scroll down to Taz in the gift box to view your gifts. Deb...I truly wish you and Al the best in life and hope God watches over the two of you. Since I cannot be there on your special day..this was the only way I could do something truly "special" for that special gal whom I have laughed with...cried with...and shared all the ups and downs of life with. YOU will ALWAYS be MY SIS!! I love you!!

Click here for a Special Song to you Deb.