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WEA W.E.P.S. Award Recipients for 2003

The Willingboro Educators Philanthropic Society is pleased to announce awards to the following recipients and their parent/guardians:

Michael Grassie--Mary Grassie--TH

Brandon Chiolan--Kim Chiolan--GE

Jessica Clark--Lynn Clark--BB

Lauren Kathryn MacMath--Wayne MacMath--MLK

Sharnaya V. Robinson--Carolyn Savoy-Williams--WHS

Erin Statton--Patricia Statton--MMS

Pictures are not available for these awardees:

Kimberly Albert---Lynne Albert, WHS
Michael L. Clay---Valerie Clay, McGinley
Sarah Jane Guida
Eboni C. Leftridge--Raymond Leftridge, MMS
Daryl Loyd---Daryl Loyd, MMS
Victoria Minor--Vernelle Minor, GE
Louis Shaw--Catherine Shaw, MLK

Many thanks to the committee chairperson Celina J. Hill

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