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Color Correspondences

The colors used for magick vary greatly. There are differing opinions on what color works better for what magick. These correspondences are what work for me. I have found that my preferences differ with many "experts" but they work for me.

white - purification, cleansing, a good color when you
are unsure or don't have the right color
black - banishing, binding
blue - healing pink - friendship, peace
yellow - clarity, mental processes
red - love, passion
green - finances, growth
brown - pets, animal magick

This is not a complete list. It is not intended to be. If you would like to know more specific color correspondences, feel free to email me.
I use color in the calling of the elements and invocation of dieties as well as in magick. The colors for these more universal.

earth - green, north
air - yellow, east
fire - red, south
water - blue, west

Goddess - silver
God - gold