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i am making a "hanson fan yearbook". how to become part of it is you simply fill in a form and if you have a picture of yourself online you can add it into the messages part. i have mine below and you can look at it and get an idea of what to do and then fill in the form.

name: ali stevens
website: ahhp
hobbies and interests: cheerleading, hockey, talking on the phone, going on the internet, going to the beach/boardwalk, hanging out with friends and listening to all of her hanson cd's.
favorite saying: "hanson rules you know it" "always try something...amatuers built the ark and professionals built the titanic"
favorite band: 1st-hanson 2nd-lfo
best friends: Alyssa(luv u gurl!), Melissa(both), Amanda (all), Cait, katie (all), kathryn, tiffany, , nicole d., lauren, kate, jess (all), claude, honka, sean, mal, krysta, hollie, jenna, tori, jeff, jenn, sarah (both), andrea, Daphne, brittany, allie, brenna, danielle (all), carlee... omg i am forgetting so many people but whoever i forgot you know who u r!
favorite tv show and/or movie: friends, 2ge+her, never been kissed and me, myself, & irene
favorite subject:math
messages: hi to all my friends! i'll see you guys over the summer. hanson and lfo rule! have a nice day! buh-bye!

just complete this form. click on mmmbop when ready to send or reset to clear all your answers.


your name:

email address:


hobbies and interests:

favorite saying:

favorite band:

best friends:

favorite tv show and/or movie:

favorite subject:

