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Hanson Do's and Don'ts

These were sent to me through email if you have any feel free to email me at
I got these from a friend some are AWESOME some are stupid and spme are well you'll find out.

What Hanson Can Never Do

1. Switch to heavy metal.

2. Go their own ways (at least not for a few years)

3. Decide to die their hair pink, orange, green, blue, or bright red, PERMANENTLY. (We'd still love their music and them though, but that would be scary!)

4. Get drunk on or off stage.

5. Run head-first through an open window.

6. Wear frilly dresses

7. Take up ballet.

8. See them walking out of the girls bathroom. (Alyssa's fave!)

9. Take up... Tay: harmonica, Ike: English horn, Zac: accordian

I also got his from someone some are good some are funny otheres are well you'll find out.

What Hanson Must Do!

1 .Make an effort to get the home addresses of everyone who has e-mailed Hansonline and send them all autographed pics.

2. Give every Hanson Fan a kiss on the nose. (how sweet!)

3. Bring people up on stage and sing to them.

4. Go into the AOL directory every once in awhile and find Hanson fans and IM them.

5. Make another Hanson Home Video

