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Hanson Fan Letters

Dear Taylor,

You don't know me or my sister but we know you by your song and my sister thinks your hot.My name is Nerissa Merrill and I am 15 and my birthday is on Halloween! My sister is Tanya Glidden She is 14. Please write more song and let Zac sing.

Bye from your fans

Dear Taylor,

hi, my name is Cheryl Pacino niece of the actor Al Pacino I think you are totolly fine I have written over 35 letters to you I have a picture of you on my desk and 20 posters of you in my room you are the center of my universe even though I dont know you I hope you can respond sometime soon.


Dear hanson,

I'm a really big fan. I really would like to here from you so can you please e-mail me back.

Hope to hear from you,

Dear hanson,

Will you e-mail my frind blueEye510 she allways wanted to talk to a star. She thinks you guys sing good but thats all she think of all singers.I know you are big stars but can you just talk to her she always said nothing exciting will never happen to her so will you just send her a letter or something.


Dear Zac,

Happy Birthday. If you were here I would sing to you the Happy Birthday song but lucky you since you aren't. I wish you were. I think you are realy crute and I hear lots of good stuff about you. I know it isn't your birthday until the 22nd. Mine was the 2nd of Oct. I just turned 12. Wish I could be there on your birthday. That would be my dream come true. I know you don't like it when girls scream and become speechless. I wouldn't do that. Well better go.

Mary Roberts
P.S. My nick name is Bear. Bear and Animal= love

TO Zac

you are the love of my life and i would like to know if you are touring Australia if you are i am going to your concert and i would really love to meet you and a very happy birthday on october 22nd.



Hey! My name is Courtney Ingram. I'm from Alabama! So when are you guys going to tour Atlanta, GA.,or Pennsicola,F.? Soon I hope! How do you like traveling all over the world? I wish I could travel the world with you guys! I have a very pretty cousin named Leanne Sharpe who likes Taylor alot! I really like you alot!!!! I like the way you are so crazy at times, you make me laugh! I really love your taste in clothes, they are really cool!! where do you buy all your clothes? PLEASE DON't EVER CUT YOUR HAIR!!!!!!! I love it the way it is! Got to go!

Courtney Ingram

Dear Zac, Tayor, and Isaac,

We think you guys are the cutest boys in the world! Zac is especially gorgious. He is hot!!! We would like for you to do a concert in the Washington, DC area. We live in Fairfax County and we want to see you NOW! You could also visit us at Lees Corner Elementary School, and Franklin Middle School.

Keep singing...
All our love,
Amanda, Allison, Elizabeth, Emily,& Sarah

Dear Ike, Tay, and Zac-

Hey! You guys had an awesome year and I hope that next year will be as good as this one and if not even better!!!! Congrats on the TWO awards you got!!! Hope you have a good tour c'ya at one of the concerts!! Don't forget to go to either N.J or Massachusetts!!!!! Peace and Luv to ya!!

Luv Ya!!
Lindsey Crichton

Dear Hanson-

you've ahd an AWESOME year here are some of the things I remember: released your debut album Middle of nowhere, you went all the way to number one with your first single MMMBop, Youreleased three singles, youreleased three videos, you were nominated for an award, you won two awards, and out of all of those accomplishments you got millions of screming fans! Well anyway Good Luck next year on your tour and remember I'll never be an obsessed fan I'll always be a MUSIC fan


